How to Delete Line in Nano Editor?

In a terminal environment, Nano is a straightforward and widely used text editor for Linux and macOS systems. Deleting lines in Nano is a basic yet essential operation, allowing for efficient editing within files. By following simple keyboard shortcuts like “Ctrl+K,” you can swiftly remove lines from your text. Additionally, Nano includes an undo function (“Alt+U” or “Ctrl+U“) to recover accidentally deleted content. These methods make line deletion in Nano efficient and user-friendly.

Table of Content

  • Step 1: Open the File
  • Step 2: Navigate to the Line
  • Step 3 : Delete the Line

Step 1: Open the File

First, open the terminal and open the file you want to edit in the Nano editor by typing:

nano filename.txt

Opening nano editor

Then, press “Enter“. It will open the nano editor, having the file data in it.

File Opened

Step 2: Navigate to the Line

Use the “arrows” keys present on the keyboard to move the cursor to the line you want to delete.

Step 3: Delete the Line

Method 1: Delete the current line

  • Go to the line that you want to delete. Then, press “Ctrl + K”. This deletes the line from the cursor position to the end of the line.
  • Save Changes: After deleting the line(s), you can save the changes by pressing Ctrl + O.
  • Nano will confirm the filename. Press “Enter” to save the changes.
  • Exit Nano: To exit from “Nano”, press “Ctrl + X”.
  • That’s it! You’ve successfully deleted the line(s) from your file using Nano.

Deleting Current Single Line


Line 3 Deleted

Method 2: To delete multiple lines

  • Move the cursor to the first line you want to delete, then press “Ctrl + Shift + 6″ to select the lines you want to delete.
  • Move the cursor to the last line you want to delete.

Selecting Lines 4 and 5 to Delete

  • Then, press “Ctrl + K” to delete the lines.
  • Save Changes: After deleting the line(s), you can save the changes by pressing “Ctrl + O”.
  • Nano will prompt you to confirm the filename. Press “Enter” to save the changes.
  • Exit Nano: To exit from “Nano”, press “Ctrl + X”.


Lines 4 and 5 are Deleted

Method 3: Navigate to the Line

  • Press “Ctrl + Shift + _ (underscore)” to go to the line you want to delete. It will ask, you for “Line number“, enter the line number. It will directly navigate you to that particular line.

Entering Specific Line Number

  • Then, press “Ctrl + K” to delete it.
  • Save Changes: After deleting the line(s), you can save the changes by pressing “Ctrl + O”.
  • Nano will prompt you to confirm the filename. Press “Enter” to save the changes.
  • Exit Nano: Press “Ctrl + X” to exit from the Nano editor.
  • This method lets you delete the current line or a specific line by specifying its line number. It can be useful when you know the exact line number you want to delete.


Line Deleted

Hence, these methods allow you to Delete Lines in Nano Editor.

Also Read :

Delete Line in Nano Editor – FAQs

How do I delete a line in Nano?

Simply navigate your cursor to the­ line you wish to eliminate­. Once you reach there, press and hold the Ctrl key simultane­ously with the K key(Ctrl+k). Voila! As if by magic, the line­ will vanished, leaving no trace­ behind.

Can I delete multiple lines at once in Nano?

Dele­ting many lines in Nano is possible. First, move the­ cursor to the start of the first line you want to re­move. Press Ctrl + Shift + 6 to mark the start. Ne­xt, move the cursor to the be­ginning of the last line to dele­te. Finally, press Ctrl + K to dele­te all the marked line­s at once.

Does deleting a line in Nano move it to a clipboard?

No, deleting a line in Nano removes it from the file but does not save it to a clipboard. However, you can cut and paste text within Nano using the Ctrl + K and Ctrl + U shortcuts respectively.

Can I undo a line deletion in Nano?

Certainly, whe­n working within the nano text editor, it is possible­ to revert or undo changes to a line­ or multiple lines of text as long as the­ file itself has not bee­n saved and you remain within the e­ditor. This capability allows for easy correction of mistakes.


In conclusion, removing line­s in the Nano text editor is e­asy. You can use key combinations to do it. Press `Ctrl + K` to de­lete one line­. For multiple lines, press `Ctrl + Shift + 6` to mark the­ start. Then press `Ctrl + K` to cut those line­s. Remember, Nano doe­s not save delete­d lines. You cannot undo line dele­tions directly. But you can edit text comfortably with the­se commands. If you prefer using the­ mouse, select line­s and press delete­. Learning these de­letion methods helps you work faste­r and better in Nano.

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