How to Declare a Struct Inside a Struct in C?

A structure is a composite data type in C programming that enables combining several data types under one name. A structure inside a structure is also called a nested structure. In this article, we will learn how to declare a structure inside a structure in C++.

Declare a Struct Inside a Struct in C

To declare a structure inside a structure, we need to first define the inner structure(the structure that we want to nest inside another structure) and then define the outer struct and include the inner struct as a member using the below syntax:

Syntax to Declare Nested Structure

struct innerStructName {
     //define inner structure

struct outerStructName {
    struct innerStructName st; // inner struct as Direct member

We can also declare it directly inside the parent structure:

struct outerStructName {
    struct innerStructName {
       //define inner structure

C Program to Declare Struct Inside a Struct

The below program demonstrates how we can declare a nested structure and use it in C.


// C program to declare a structure inside a structure
#include <stdio.h>
// Declaring the inner struct
struct InnerStruct {
    char innerChar;
    float innerFloat;
// Declaring the outer struct
struct OuterStruct {
    int outerData;
    struct InnerStruct inner;
int main()
    // Creating an instance of the outer struct
    struct OuterStruct myStruct;
    // Accessing and modifying the members of the inner
    // struct
    myStruct.inner.innerChar = 'X';
    myStruct.inner.innerFloat = 5.14;
    // Accessing the members of both the outer and
    // inner structs
    printf("Outer Data: %d\n", myStruct.outerData);
    printf("Inner Char: %c\n", myStruct.inner.innerChar);
    printf("Inner Float: %.2f\n",
    return 0;


Outer Data: 0
Inner Char: X
Inner Float: 5.14

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