How to Create User Personas in ChatGPT for Better Results

The world is witnessing a new era in digital technology with the evolution of Artificial Intelligence. AI is spreading its wings across various domains and astonishing people with wonders that have never been seen before. From education to R&D and digital marketing to supply chain management, AI is improving productivity and proficiency.

The introduction of AI chatbots, such as ChatGPT, gave the benefits of AI to everyone with an internet connection. Also, these AI chatbots can be useful in creating User Personas, a useful tool for a better understanding of customers and their behavior. In this article, we are going to look into User Personas and a step-by-step guide to creating User Personas for Better Results.

What is a ChatGPT Persona and How it can Achieve Better Results?

A Persona is a fictional character created to replicate a user (or say, end customer). This persona should be able to give feedback for the product/service or achieve the same goals as the person it is replicating. Thus, a company or an individual can make any changes or act accordingly.

ChatGPT is an AI bot that delivers responses to commands (prompts), so we can ask the ChatGPT to create a persona or act like one. However, it is important to note that one should have a clear and detailed idea of how a persona should act, the emotions it should deliver, and the values it should implement to gain adequate responses for the ChatGPT User Persona.

Creating a ChatGPT User Persona – Step by Step (with an example)

1. Objectives of Persona

The first and foremost task in creating a User Persona is to have a clear idea of the objectives. Understanding what you want can come from desired marketing campaigns and products/services. This can lay the foundation for the behavior of Persona.

2. Gather Information

Adding to that, the step is to gather the existing information which includes market research, demographics, and other insights. These can help in shaping the persona and thereby gain desired outputs.

3. Shaping the Persona

After gaining the necessary information and statistics, it is now our turn to create a persona that will respond as desired. To do so, there are a few key factors that we need to inculcate in the prompts. Following are the fundamentals to your prompts in creating a greater User Persona for better results:

  • Choose and Convey
  • Define Character
  • Declare Past
  • Indicate Emotions
  • Give Context

Note that all these can be given in a single prompt or multiple prompts, based on the length of details you like to provide. It is better to define everything in detail so that there will be a crisp answer by ChatGPT.

4. Choose and Convey the Identity

Select the type of character you want the ChatGPT to impersonate. This can be of anybody, a customer using a new UI/UX of a website, a journalist asking questions to political leaders, it can even be an AI bot ( this can be very fascinating). As you have decided in the first step of who you want based on your goals, it is now your turn to convey it to the AI Bot.

5. Define Character

The persona that has to be created should be shaped into a character. Define the behavior, likes and dislikes, values, goals, and aspirations of the persona. If you are asking the AI bot to create a fictional character, these can be necessary traits to develop a reasonable character that can give a human-like response.

6. Declare Past

Set the range of experiences the persona is carrying thereby giving the depth of knowledge to it. You can also specify the birthplace, time, family situations, relationship status, and many more.

For instance, a software engineer with 10 years of experience will respond way more maturely compared to a fresher, a loyal customer can have different demands from a company compared to a new customer.

7. Indicate Emotions

A Persona can be a rational thinker, asking reasonable doubts to every scenario and understanding the emotions, or an empathetic character towards wildlife and thereby fighting for betterment, or anything else.

Indicate the severity at which the persona is acting in various situations. Your persona can be serious in some issues and carefree in others, love to have few things in life but feel cringe in dealing with few people. Engage everything you like in creating one. Fine-tuning the emotions will keep the persona in its specific shoes. Also, be careful while giving the prompts to the ChatGPT persona as it can be very insensitive and provocative.

8. Give Context

After crafting the entire body of the persona, it is now time to give a scenario where it would be enacted. Be specific about your goals so the persona will give responses in the specified spectrum.

You can act like a movie director while explaining the context. Add backdrop, present status, location, emotions you want the persona to enact in the specified situation, type of persons dealing with, range of words you want, and anything that adds value to the situation.

7. Test and Mold

As you click on the send button, the ChatGPT will frame the answers and give them to you. Check for the accuracy of the answers and note the points where you feel it can act better. As the next step, include those in your prompt. This is called Fine-tuning, and as discussed earlier, it is very important to give clear-cut prompts for exclusive answers.

8. Add Various Scenarios

Adding more likely scenarios and test cases can improve the quality at which you want the persona to perform. Don’t try to stick Try not to stick to a single genre of questions, for example, if you are making a persona of a journalist, frame questions in various aspects such as politics, gender equality, climate change, effects of consumerism, etc. This can help you understand how the persona is shaped.


Hello ChatGPT, I want you to act out as a User Persona from the details I am going to provide next. Consider a journalist named Vivek, who is very popular in his circle. He was born and brought up in a poor household and was a victim of political corruption. He became sensitive towards the lives around his household and decided to become a journalist and hence solve the problems of people like him. He is interested in social and political issues and constantly fights for justice. He is humble towards everyone but also ferocious when he sees any kind of injustice around him.

He chose to speak facts in every argument or debate and thereby raise a reasonable doubt. He is confident in his work and willing to change his words if he is proven wrong. He won many accolades for his work in raising the education rate in nearly 10+ villages. This didn’t affect any of his behavior and made him more down to earth. Recently, a family approached him and told him about the low-standard lifestyle they are facing in the southern part of Chennai.

He enquired and got to know about the failed drainage system, deprived water supply, and irregular municipal cleaning. He wants to write an RTI (Right to Information) letter asking for the details of allocated funds and schemes regarding water supply and cleaning. After that, he wants to file a complaint to the concerned officials regarding the problem. Act as the persona and write those two letters in the official format declared by the government of India. Assume any missing data.

The above prompt generated two well-scripted letters and have every necessary information. More such prompts can be made in various scenarios, for example, a speech from a famous historical figure up on the current generation, a customer using a new website and dealing with the UI/UX of the website, and many more. It is all in the hands of the user to create and craft the persona and get better results.


Creating a User Persona can help in many areas and domains. However, we have to keep in mind with the restrictions of ChatGPT. It abides by certain ethical boundaries and cannot produce hate or harmful speech. The data is restricted to post 2021 and hence it cannot produce result data.

Apart from all these restrictions, ChatGPT can be reliable to a certain extent. As Artificial Intelligence is becoming more smart day by day, the responses we receive are near to human. Craft your User Persona with a detailed prompt and enjoy better results.

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