How to Create Kafka Topics using Conduktor Tool?

Conduktor is a full-featured native desktop application that plugs directly into Apache Kafka to bring visibility to the management of Kafka clusters, applications, and microservices. It’s eventually helping companies make the most of their existing engineering resources, and minimizing the need for deep in-house expertise. Talking briefly about Kafka, Apache Kafka is a publish-subscribe messaging system. A messaging system lets you send messages between processes, applications, and servers. In this article, we will be discussing How to Create Kafka Topics using Conduktor Tool.

Step By Step Implementation

Step 1: Refer to these articles and install both Kafka and Conduktor on your local system. 

Step 2: Open your Conduktor Tool and go to the Topics tab and click on the Create button as shown in the below image.


Step 3: A pop-up will be shown and here you have to provide the Name of your Topic along with how many Partitions you want. And finally, click on the Create Topic button as shown in the below image. 


Step 4: After clicking on the Create button you can see a new Topic named “w3wiki-articles” has been created successfully and you can see it in the Topics tab now. 


Also, you can see some logs are updated on the CMD tab where your Kafka is running. Please refer to the below image.


Now go inside your Topic and you can see all the details on your topic. If you want to delete your topic then you can click on the Remove button. 

Note: You can’t rename your Topic name once you have created it. You have to remove it and create your new topic again.


So this is how with the help of Conduktor Tool you can create Kafka Topics.

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