How to Create Defect with the Complete Details of Bug?

Creating a detailed and comprehensive defect report is crucial for effective software testing and bug tracking. A well-crafted defect report provides clear information about the issue, aiding developers in understanding, reproducing, and fixing the bug. In this article, we’ll explore the complete procedure of creating defect reports, ensuring a smoother collaboration between testing and development teams.

What is Jira?

JIRA is a most popular project management platform, it is widely used in the software development process. It provides a centralized platform for teams to easily track down all the tasks, manage certain bugs, and collaborate on projects. By utilizing the JIRA software effectively, you can transform bug reporting from a tedious chore to a strategic useful weapon in your quality assurance arsenal.

  1. Reporting and analytics are used for sprint insights, monitoring overall progress, and customizing reports for certain bugs.
  2. Perform the integrations and connect tools, automate the tasks, streamline workflows, etc.
  3. It is not just for the software development process but for marketing HR, and design teams, and more benefits are there for using JIRA.

What are Defects in Software and Why is it Important?

Defects in software, commonly known as bugs or issues, are deviations or discrepancies between the expected behavior of a software application and its actual behavior. These discrepancies can arise during various stages of the software development life cycle, from design and coding to testing and deployment. Defects can manifest as functional errors, performance issues, security vulnerabilities, or other forms of unintended behavior that negatively impact the software’s reliability and functionality.

  1. Identifying and addressing defects is a fundamental aspect of quality assurance in software development. Effective defect management ensures that software meets the specified requirements and functions reliably.
  2. Defect-free software is crucial for maintaining customer satisfaction. Users expect applications to work seamlessly without unexpected errors, and managing defects helps deliver a positive user experience.
  3. Early detection and resolution of defects are more cost-effective than addressing issues later in the development life cycle or, worse after the software has been deployed. The cost of fixing a defect tends to increase as the project progresses.

How to Create a Defect with the Complete Details of the Bug?

In this section, we will deep dive into the detailed process of the creation of a defect with the complete details of the bug related to it in JIRA software.

Step 1: Create a Bug Report

To initiate the bug reporting process, navigate to your JIRA project and click on the “Create” button. This action opens the platform for crafting a comprehensive bug report with all the details.

In the above image, you can find the create button of a blue shed at the top by just clicking on this button the popup comes in which is of creating an issue where you can create an issue and feel further details.

Step 2: Select the Issue Type

In the second step, choose the “Bug” issue type from the “Issue Type” drop-down menu. This selection establishes the context for documenting a software malfunction effectively.

Here you can see that there is a drop-down where you can find different options such as bug, task, story, and epic in all of them we need to select the bug option to cross-see with our goal on other options regarding Creations.

Step 3: Create a Clear and Informative Title

In the “Summary” field within JIRA, craft a concise and clear bug description. This serves as the bug’s headline, providing a precise and understandable overview of the issue.

In bug reports, the “Summary” field acts as the headline, drawing attention to the issue. Ensure it is concise yet informative, providing developers with a clear understanding of the defect’s nature and necessary actions.

Step 4: Document Bug Details in the Description

In the “Description” field, leverage your detective skills to detail the bug’s behavior. Include specific and detailed steps to reproduce the bug (e.g., “Click ‘Login’ button, then enter username…”). Specify expected results, actual results (bug behavior), and relevant environment details such as operating system and browser. Enhance clarity with visuals by attaching screenshots or videos to the issue.

Step 5: Assign the Bug to a Developer

In the “Assignee” field, select and assign the bug to the appropriate developer who will be responsible for addressing and resolving the reported issue.

Assigning the following bug ​ to any person is the role of lead engineer manager and it can be handled by the person who can understand all these bug-related descriptions and the story behind them.

Step 6: Prioritize Bug Severity

Set the bug’s “Priority” according to its severity. Assign “Critical” for showstopping issues, “Major” for significant disruptions, and “Minor” for less impactful bugs. This categorization helps prioritize bug resolutions based on their impact.

It is important to set the priority for the bug you have created because there are several issues are there in the panel so the priority decides which should be resolved first.

Step 7: Tag and Categorize the Bug

Before finalizing the report, utilize “Labels” to categorize similar bugs and “Components” to pinpoint the affected software area. This tagging and categorization streamline bug tracking and provide convenience during the resolution process.

These are the optional things but we can also put them for extra information regarding the issues.

Step 8: Release the Bug

Click “Create” to release your crafted bug report, sending it on its journey to be addressed and resolved by the developers. This final step initiates the bug-tracking process, ensuring it receives the attention needed for swift resolution.

For an added debugging advantage, attach any relevant logs or error messages to the bug report in JIRA. This provides developers with additional information and context, expediting the debugging process and facilitating a more efficient resolution of the reported bug.


In conclusion, crafting a detailed bug report is crucial for effective communication between testing and development teams. By following these steps, from summoning the report in JIRA to attaching relevant logs, you ensure a comprehensive bug description. This meticulous approach facilitates a smoother bug-tracking process, enabling developers to swiftly understand, reproduce, and resolve the reported issues.

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