How to create DataFrame from Scala’s List of Iterables?

In Scala, working with large datasets is made easier with Apache Spark, a powerful framework for distributed computing. One of the core components of Spark is DataFrames, which organizes data into tables for efficient processing. In this article, we’ll explore how to create DataFrames from simple lists of data in Scala using Apache Spark’s DataFrame API.

Understanding DataFrames and Lists

DataFrames are like tables in a database, allowing us to work with structured data easily. On the other hand, lists are collections of data in Scala.

  • DataFrames: DataFrames are tabular data structures in Scala, representing distributed collections of data organized into named columns. They offer rich functionalities for data manipulation, including filtering, aggregation, and SQL queries, making them indispensable for data processing tasks.
  • Lists of Iterables: In Scala, a List is an ordered collection of elements of the same type, while an Iterable represents a collection that can be iterated over. Lists of Iterables are often used to store structured data, where each Iterable represents a row or record.

Creating DataFrames from Lists

There are two simple ways to turn lists into DataFrames:

1. Using RDDs:

  • RDDs are a flexible way to handle data transformations.
  • Convert each row in the list into a format compatible with DataFrames.
  • Create a DataFrame from the converted RDD.

2. Using the toDF method:

  • This method is simpler and suitable for straightforward data structures.
  • Directly convert the list into a DataFrame using the toDF method, specifying column names.

Let’s see both methods in action.

Method 1: Using RDDs

// Import necessary libraries
import org.apache.spark.sql.{SparkSession, DataFrame, Row}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._

// Create SparkSession
val spark = SparkSession.builder().appName("DataFrameFromList").getOrCreate()

// Define schema for DataFrame
val schema = StructType(Seq(
  StructField("Name", StringType, nullable = false),
  StructField("Age", IntegerType, nullable = false),
  StructField("Location", StringType, nullable = false)

// Sample data: List of Lists
val data = List(
  List("Alice", 30, "New York"),
  List("Bob", 25, "Los Angeles"),
  List("Charlie", 35, "Chicago")

// Convert List of Lists to RDD of Rows
val rowsRDD = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(data).map(Row.fromSeq)

// Create DataFrame
val df: DataFrame = spark.createDataFrame(rowsRDD, schema)

// Show DataFrame
| Name|Age| Location|
| Alice| 30| New York|
| Bob| 25|Los Angeles|
|Charlie| 35| Chicago|


  1. We import necessary libraries.
  2. A SparkSession is created.
  3. We define the DataFrame schema, specifying data types for each column.
  4. Sample data is represented as a List of Iterables, where each inner list represents a row.
  5. We use spark.sparkContext.parallelize to create an RDD from the list.
  6. The map function on the RDD converts each Iterable to a Row object using Row.fromSeq.
  7. Finally, spark.createDataFrame creates the DataFrame from the RDD and schema.

Method 2: Using toDF method

// Import necessary libraries
import org.apache.spark.sql.{SparkSession, DataFrame}

// Create SparkSession
val spark = SparkSession.builder().appName("DataFrameFromList").getOrCreate()

// Sample data: List of Lists
val data = List(
  List("Alice", "30", "New York"),
  List("Bob", "25", "Los Angeles"),
  List("Charlie", "35", "Chicago")

// Create DataFrame using toDF method
val df = data.toDF("Name", "Age", "Location")

// Show DataFrame


  • We import necessary libraries.
  • A SparkSession is created.
  • Sample data is defined as a List of Lists, where each inner List represents a row with assumed column names and the same data type within each inner list.
  • We directly create a DataFrame using the toDF method, specifying column names as arguments. This method offers a concise approach suitable for scenarios with a well-defined data structure.
  • Finally, we display the DataFrame using the show method.


Creating DataFrames from lists of data in Scala is straightforward with Apache Spark’s DataFrame API. Whether you choose to use RDDs for flexibility or the toDF method for simplicity, you can quickly organize and process your data for analysis and insights.

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