How to Create a Social Media Post using Figma?

Social Media Graphics are a way to interact with the users and the posts are made in an engaging way using Figma to design interactive & lively visuals. Figma is a collaborative tool that allows several other users to collaborate and design on a common platform. This is the method that is typically used for Social Media Graphics. In this article we will learn how to design engaging visuals on Figma.

Steps to Create a Social Media Post

Here we will be creating a social media graphics post for a DSA Course for w3wiki.

Step 1:

Create a frame and add the logo, some text relevant to the course and some graphic elements such as a rounded rectangular box to show the likes to the course etc. Also add a uniform background to the design.


Step 2:

Add three blocks in the centre with a laptop above them and three trophies under each of the box.

Main content

Step 3:

To use up the remaining space, add small circles of numbers and also add a timing duration above the boxes.

Graphic elements

Step 4:

Add a few more elements such as the footer or address bar to complete & refurnish the design.


Step 5:

Do some final addons to cover up the remaining white space & here’s the final design:

Final design

Importance of Social media graphics

  • Social Media Graphics are essential as the enhance the engagement of the user and support purposeful interactivity of the user with the poster’s company.
  • It helps scale the creativity & ingenuity to a top notch performance through means of designing tools such as Figma.
  • Figma for social media graphics enhances the designing methods and makes different methods available to form different shapes, sizes and use different approaches for color compositions.
  • Social media designs help in better brand scaling & gaining new and more customers.

Uses of Social media Graphics

  • Social Media Graphics are mostly used in the business arena, to promote a brand and gain better possible reach of customers.
  • Many online articles consist of graphic designing posters to attract more readers as it makes the article look more readable & interactive, since a simple text based article may sound boring many times.
  • For any website or company, if they are launching a new product, a teaser is out and it is made through means of graphic designing.


Social Media Graphics are a great way to increase user interactivity & support brand promotion. Figma helps in creating eye appealing & engaging visuals that help promote brand products, create teasers & experiment with creativity & designing tactics. You can now create different graphic designing posters for simple practice using Figma!

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