How to Create a Chart from Multiple Sheets in Excel?

At the point when Microsoft eliminated the outline creation wizard from Excel, they were overlooking a business reality: the information series you want for your graph is not generally on the equivalent Excel worksheet. Luckily, you can actually draw on information from two distinct worksheets to make an outline in Excel. Assuming that you have an exercise manual with two worksheets that contain information that is viable for a solitary diagram, you can undoubtedly make one graph containing every one of the information without consolidating the information at the start.

How to create a chart from multiple sheets in Excel

Assuming you have a couple of worksheets with income information for various years and you need to make an outline in light of that information to picture the general pattern.

Create a chart based on your first sheet

  • Open your first Excel worksheet, and select the information you need to plot in the graph.
  • Go to the Insert tab > Charts bunch, and pick the graph type you need to make.
  • In this model, we will make the Stack Column diagram,
  • Below is the result.

Add a second data series from another sheet

  • Click on the diagram you’ve recently made to enact the Chart Tools tabs on the Excel strip, go to the Design tab (Chart Design in Excel 365), and click the Select Data button.
  • In the Select Data Source window, click the Add button.

Presently we will add the second information series in light of the information situated on an alternate worksheet. This is the central issue, so kindly make certain to adhere to the guidelines intently.

  • Tapping the Add button opens the Edit Series exchange window, where you click the Collapse Dialog button close to the Series values field.
  • The Edit Series discourse will psychologists to a tight reach choice window. Click on the tab of the sheet that contains different information you need to remember for your Excel graph (the Edit Series window will stay on-screen as you explore between sheets).
  • On the subsequent worksheet, select a segment or a line of information you need to add to your Excel chart, and afterward, click the Expand Dialog symbol to return to the regular Edit Series window.
  • What’s more, presently, click the Collapse Dialog button to one side of the Series name field and select a cell containing the message you need to use for the series name. Click the Expand Dialog to get back to the underlying Edit Series window.
  • Ensure the references in the Series name and Series esteem boxes are right and snap the OK button.

As you find in the screen capture above, we’ve connected the series name to cell B1, which is a section name. Rather than the section name, you can type your own series name in twofold statements, for example, =”Second information series”. The series names will show up in the graph legend of your outline, so you should put two or three minutes into giving a few significant and expressive names for your information series. Right now, the outcome ought to appear to be like this:

Add more data series (optional)

Suppose you have any desire to plot information from numerous worksheets in your diagram, rehash the cycle portrayed in sync 2 for every information series you need to add. When done, click the OK button on the Select Data Source exchange window. In this model, the third information series is added; this is the way my Excel diagram looks now:

Customize and improve the chart (optional)

While making graphs in Excel 2013 and 2016, generally, the outline components, for example, diagram title and legend, are added by Excel naturally. For our diagram plotted from a few worksheets, the title and legend were not added, of course, however, we can rapidly cure this. Select your diagram, click the Chart Elements button (green cross) in the upper right corner, and select the choices you need:

Making a chart from the summary table

The arrangement exhibited above works provided that your entrances show up in similar requests in every one of the worksheets you need to plot in the outline. In any case, your chart is going not to be screwed up. In this model, the request for passages (Oranges, Apples, Lemons, Grapes) is indistinguishable in every one of the 3 sheets. On the off chance that you are making a diagram from huge worksheets and you don’t know about the request for all things, it’s a good idea to make a rundown table first, and afterward, make an outline from that table. To pull the matching information to an outline table, you can utilize the VLOOKUP capability or the Merge Tables Wizard.

For example, on the off chance that the worksheets examined in this model had an alternate request of things, we could make an outline table utilizing the accompanying equation:

Summary Table(=VLOOKUP(A2,Sheet2!D1:E5,2,FALSE)

And afterward, basically select the outline table, go to the Insert tab > Charts bunch and pick the graph type you need.

Modify an Excel chart built from multiple sheets

Subsequent to making an outline in view of the information from at least two sheets, you could understand that you believe it should be plotted in an unexpected way. Furthermore, on the grounds that making such diagrams is certainly not a moment cycle like making a diagram from one sheet in Excel, you might need to alter the current graph as opposed to making another one without any preparation.

As a general rule, the customization choices for Excel outlines in view of numerous sheets are equivalent to regular Excel diagrams. You can utilize the Charts Tools tabs on the lace, or right-click menu, or outline customization buttons in the upper right corner of your diagram to change the fundamental graph components, for example, graph title, pivot titles, diagram legend, diagram styles, and that’s just the beginning.

Also, to change the information series plotted in the graph, there are three methods for doing this:

  • Select the Data Source dialog
  • Chart Filters button
  • Data series formulas

Edit data series using the Select Data Source dialog

Open the Select Data Source exchange window (Design tab > Select Data).

To change an information series, click on it, then click the Edit button and adjust the Series Name or Series Values. To change the request for a series in the outline, select a series and utilize the Up and Down bolts to move that series up or down.

To conceal an information series, just uncheck it in the Legend Entries (Series) list on the left-hand side of the Select Data Source exchange.

To erase a specific information series from the diagram for all time, select that series and snap the Remove base.

Hide or show series using the Charts Filter button

One more method for dealing with the information series shown in your Excel outline is utilizing the Chart Filters button. This button shows up on the right of your diagram when you click on it.

To conceal specific information, click on the Chart Filters button, and uncheck the comparing information series or classes. To alter an information series, click the Edit Series button on one side of the series name. Old fashioned Select Data Source discourse window will come up, and you can roll out the vital improvements there. For the Edit Series button to show up, you simply have to float over a series name with the mouse. When you do this, the comparing series will get featured on the graph, so you will obviously see precisely the exact thing component you will change.

Edit a data series using a formula

As you likely know, every information series in an Excel graph is characterized by an equation. For instance, on the off chance that you select one of the series in the chart, we made a second prior, the series equation will look as follows:


Every information series equation can be separated into four fundamental components:

=SERIES([Series Name], [X Values], [Y Values], [Plot Order])

Thus, our equation can be deciphered in an accompanying manner:

  • Series name (‘Sheet1!$B$1) is taken from cell B1 on sheet “Sheet1”.
  • Horizontal axis values (Sheet1!$A$2:$A$5) are taken from cells A2:A5 on sheet “Sheet1”.
  • Vertical axis values (Sheet1!$B$2:$B$5) are taken from cells B2:B5 on sheet “Sheet1”.
  • Plot Order (3) indicates that this data series comes third in the chart.

To adjust a specific information series, select it on the diagram, go to the recipe bar and roll out the important improvements there. Obviously, you should be extremely cautious when altering a series recipe since this may be a blunder-inclined way, particularly in the event that the source information is situated on an alternate worksheet and you can’t see it when altering the equation. Regardless, if you feel more OK with Excel recipes than with UIs, you might prefer to rapidly make little alters in Excel outlines.

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