How to create a array in JavaScript?

An array is a non-primitive data type that allows you to store multiple values of different or similar data types at consecutive memory blocks in a single variable. The values stored in an array can be accessed using the indexing syntax starting from zero and going to the array.length-1.

Different ways of creating an array in JavaScript are listed below:

  • Using array literal: It is the simple square brackets syntax that is generally used to create arrays in programming languages.
  • Using Array constructor: JavaScript provides us with an array constructor to create arrays.

Example: The below example shows how you can create a simple array in JavaScript.


// Creating array using array literals
const myArr1 = ["GFG", 254, true, "JavaScript"];
console.log(myArr1[0], myArr1[2], myArr1);
// Creating array using array constructor
const myArr2 = new Array("GFG", 2, true);
console.log(myArr2[1], myArr2[2], myArr2);


GFG true [ 'GFG', 254, true, 'JavaScript' ]
2 true [ 'GFG', 2, true ]

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