How to Count Duplicate Values in a Column in Excel?

Working with huge informational indexes frequently expects you to include copies in Excel. You can count copy values utilizing the COUNTIF work. In this instructional exercise, you will figure out how to count copies utilizing this capacity. Let’s learn how to count duplicate values in a column in excel.

Most effective method to Count Duplicates in Excel

You can count copies involving the COUNTIF equation in Excel. There are a couple of approaches to counting copies. You should incorporate or prohibit the primary case while counting copies. In the following segments, you will see a few models connected with counting copies.

Instructions to Count Duplicate Instances Including the First Occurrence

The accompanying model remembers the information for understudy grades. The information contains the understudy’s name, age, and grades. Segment E has the novel grades for which you will count the copies. To find the count of duplicate grades including the first occurrence:

  • Go to cell F2.
  • Assign the formula =COUNTIF($C$2:$C$8,E2).
  • Press Enter.
  • Drag the formula from F2 to F4.


Presently you have to include the copy grades in section E.

Step-by-step instructions to Count Duplicate Instances barring the First Occurrence

Frequently you could have to compute the number of copies in your information without the primary event. You can count the number of copies barring the primary passage similar to the past model. To count the copy models from the last model without the principal event:

  • Select cell F2.
  • Allocate the function =COUNTIF($C$2:$C$8,E2)- 1.
  • Press Enter to apply the equation.


This will show the count of copy values without the principal occurrence in Column E.

Include Case-Sensitive Duplicates in Excel

The COUNTIF work in Excel is case-sensitive. You will not get the genuine count in the event that you use it to count a case-delicate copy. However, you can utilize a blend of the SUM and EXACT capacity to get a case-delicate count for copy occurrences. To track down a case-delicate count for copy values:

  • Go to cell F2.
  • Appoint the recipe =SUM(- – EXACT($C$2:$C$8,E2)).
  • Press Ctrl + Shift + Enter to apply the equation as a cluster recipe.


The EXACT recipe plays out a case-delicate look at the qualities in section D with the grades in C2 to C8. This outcome in a variety of coherent qualities TRUE and FALSE. The unary administrator (-) changes the qualities to a variety of 0 and 1’s. The SUM work then, at that point, includes these passages to track down the count for the copy values.

Including Duplicate Rows in Excel

You can count copy pushes that have similar qualities in each cell. This comes in extremely helpful if you have an enormous dataset and need to distinguish copy columns for future change. The COUNTIFS work allows you to count in light of numerous circumstances. You will utilize the COUNTIFS capacity to count copy columns. In the accompanying model, you will utilize the understudy data. The information has the segments for the understudy’s names, ages, and sexual orientations. Segment E has every one of the remarkable names for which you will count the copy columns.

  • Select cell F2 by tapping on it.
  • Dole out the recipe =COUNTIFS($A$2:$A$8,A2,$B$2:$B$8,B2,$C$2:$C$8,C2) to F2.
  • Press Enter.


Drag the recipe to the cells underneath with your mouse.

Most effective method to Count the Total Number of Duplicates in a Column

You can include the completion of copies in a section in two stages. To begin with, you want to recognize every one of the copies in a section. Then, at that point, you really want to count these qualities. The following model incorporates different nation names containing copies. To track down the complete number of copies without the primary event:

  • Go to cell B2 by tapping on it.
  • Allocate the recipe =IF(COUNTIF($A$2:A2,A2)>1,”Yes”,””) to cell B2.
  • Press Enter. This will show the worth Yes in the event that the passage in A2 is a rehashed section.
  • Haul down the recipe from B2 to B8.
  • Select cell B9.
  • Allocate the recipe =COUNTIF(B2:B8, “Yes”) to cell B9.
  • Hit Enter.


This will show the complete inclusion of copy values in section A without the main event.

To count the copy values including the principal event:

  • Select cell D4.
  • Allocate the function =ROWS($A$2:$A$8)- SUM(IF(COUNTIF($A$2:$A$8,$A$2:$A$8) =1,1,0)) to row B2.
  • Press Ctrl + Shift + Enter.


Here we utilized the ROWS, SUM, and IF capacities alongside the COUNTIF work and apply it as a cluster work. This equation can be separated into two sections. In the initial step, the ROWS work counts the number of lines between A2:A8, which is 7. In the second piece of the equation, the COUNTIF work is utilized to include the absolute coordinates in the reach A2 to A8 with itself, and we home all of this inside an IF work.

The condition utilized here is to return a 1 on the off chance that it is a match and a 0 in any case. The subsequent 1’s are then added, and the aggregate outcomes in 2, which is the number of unmistakable coordinates between A2 to A8 with itself. The contrast between these two stages returns 5, the complete count of copies including the primary occurrences. Including copies in Excel is an exceptionally convenient stunt while working with enormous datasets. The COUNTIF and COUNTIFS capacities prove to be useful to include copy values in Excel and acquire helpful experiences about the information.

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