How to Convert matrix to a list of column vectors in R ?

In this article, we will discuss how to convert a given matrix to a list of column vectors in R Programming Language. To do this we will take every column of the matrix and store that column in a list and at last print the list.

It can be done in these ways:

  • Using the split() function
  • Using list() with data.frame()

Method 1: Using split() function:

In this example to Convert a given matrix to a list of column vectors in R we use the split() function. 

  • The split() function is used to split the data according to our requirement.
  • The arguments given in the split() function are data itself and the other one is rep() function
  • The rep() function is used to replicates the data and in the rep() function we give one argument i.e. nrow() so, that the sequence is generated row-wise
  • In nrow() function we give the data as an argument. “each = nrow()” is used to repeat this process for each row.



# create matrix
M = matrix(100:112, ncol=3)
# print the matrix
# create matrix to list off column vector
l =  split(M, rep(1:ncol(M), each = nrow(M)))
# print the list


fig 1: Matrix

fig 2: Matrix converted to list of column vectors

Method 2: using the list() function:

In this example to Convert a given matrix to a list of column vectors in R we use the list() function 

  • The list() function is used with the “as.” command. This command is used to convert the object into a list and the object can be any kind of data structure i.e. data frame, matrix, vector, etc.
  • The argument in the list() function is So basically, what we are doing here is? At first, we convert a matrix into the data frame by using then we convert that data frame into the list and at last, print that list.
  • In our case what happens is as.list() takes every single column of the data frame and put every element of data frame’s column into a list, store that lists into “l” and prints the l.


# creating the matrix
M = matrix(100:112, ncol = 3)
# print the matrix
# as.list() is used to convert an object into list
# is used to convert as object into
# data frame M is converted into the data frame then
# that data frame is converted into the list
# print the list


fig 3: Matrix converted to list of column vectors

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