How to convert first character of all the words uppercase using PHP ?

To convert the first character of all the words present in a string to uppercase, we just need to use one PHP function i.e. ucwords().

ucwords(string,delimiters): This function takes 2 parameters. The first one is the string which is mandatory. The second parameter is the delimiter. 

Example 1:


  echo ucwords("welcome to Beginner for Beginner");


Welcome To Beginner For Beginner

 The second parameter(delimiter) is optional. If we don’t mention it, then it will capitalize all the words after space. The echo keyword is used to print the output on the screen.

Example 2:


    // code
  echo ucwords("hey!let's get started","!")


Hey!Let's get started

As “!” is the delimiter, it will only capitalize the first letter of the word before and after “!”.

Example 3:


    // code
  $str = 'php is fun learning';
  $str = ucwords($str);
  echo $str


Php Is Fun Learning

For storing a string in a variable we need to put $ sign in front of the variable.

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