How to Convert ER Diagrams to Tables in DBMS?

Answer: Converting an ER diagram into tables involves a systematic process starting from table mapping to refining and reviewing.

Step 1: Analyze the Entities

  • Identify each distinct entity in the diagram represented by a rectangle.
  • Examine the attributes associated with each entity which are its characteristics represented by ellipses within the rectangle.

Step 2: Create Separate Tables for Each Entity

  • For each entity, create a corresponding table in the database with each attribute as a column in the table.
  • Assign the primary key as a column in the respective table.

Step 3: Map Relationships

  • For one-to-many relationships, add a foreign key in the “many” table referencing the “one” table’s primary key.
  • For many-to-many, create a linking table with foreign keys to both related tables.

Step 4: Normalize the Tables

  • Analyze the tables for redundancies and potential data inconsistencies.
  • Apply normalization techniques like decomposition to split tables and eliminate redundancy, improving data integrity and reducing storage space.

Step 5: Verify and Refine

  • Review the created tables and relationships for accuracy and efficiency.
  • Refine the schema as needed based on further analysis or specific requirements of your database.

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