How to Convert Between Z-Scores and Percentiles in R

In statistical analysis, converting between Z-scores and percentiles helps researchers understand data distribution clearly. R, a powerful programming language, simplifies this conversion process, making it accessible to analysts. This guide offers a simple walkthrough of how to perform these conversions in R Programming Language enabling users to interpret data effectively and make informed decisions.


The Z-score provides information about the distance (in standard deviations) between a specific data point and the mean of the dataset. It provides a standardized measure of how far a particular value deviates from the average of the dataset, allowing for comparisons across different datasets or variables with different scales and distributions.

  1. Outlier Detection: Z-scores help identify outliers by flagging data points far from zero, typically beyond 2 or 3 standard deviations.
  2. Feature Scaling: Z-score normalization scales feature to have a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1, aiding machine learning algorithms in faster convergence and easier interpretation.
  3. Handling Skewed Data: Z-score normalization can address skewed data distributions by making them more symmetric and centered around zero.
  4. Statistical Testing: Z-tests are valuable for hypothesis testing about population means, especially with large sample sizes and known population variance.

The formula to calculate the Z-score for a data point ? in a dataset is

[Tex][ Z = \frac{X – \mu}{\sigma} ] [/Tex]

  • ? is the individual data point.
  • μ is the mean (average) of the dataset.
  • σ is the standard deviation of the dataset.

What is percentile ?

A percentile is a measure used in statistics to indicate the value below which a given percentage of observations in a group of observations fall. It is a way of expressing the relative standing of a particular value within a dataset.

For example, the 75th percentile (also known as the third quartile) is the value below which 75% of the data fall. Similarly, the 50th percentile (also known as the median) is the value below which 50% of the data fall.

To calculate a percentile

Percentile = (Number of values below the given value / Total number of values in the dataset)*100

Alternatively way to use the nearest-rank method, which is commonly used in statistical software:

Percentile = (Number of values below the given value +0.5 / Total number of values in the dataset)*100

  1. Understanding Data Distribution: Percentiles show where data points stand within a dataset, helping us grasp how values are spread out.
  2. Comparison Across Datasets: They allow easy comparison between different groups or datasets, helping us see how values in one group relate to another.
  3. Standardized Reporting: Percentiles provide a standardized way to report scores or measurements, making it easier to understand how someone’s performance compares to others.
  4. Identifying Outliers: They help spot unusual or extreme values within a dataset, like unusually high or low test scores.

Converting between Z-scores and percentiles in different purposes

Z-scores to Percentiles

  1. Z-scores are standardized measures that indicate the number of standard deviations a data point is from the mean.
  2. Converting Z-scores to percentiles provides a more intuitive understanding of where a data point falls within the distribution relative to other data points.
  3. This conversion helps in comparing individual data points to the overall distribution and facilitates interpretation, especially when communicating results to non-statisticians.

Percentiles to Z-scores

  1. Percentiles indicate the relative position of a data point within a distribution, representing the percentage of data points below it.
  2. Converting percentiles to Z-scores allows for standardized comparison and analysis across different distributions or datasets.
  3. Z-scores provide a common scale for comparing data points from different distributions, making it easier to assess relative standing and perform statistical calculations.

Implement Z-scores to Percentiles in R

To convert Z-scores to percentiles in R ‘pnorm()’ function is use, which calculates quantiles from a normal distribution.

The formula is


Convert Z-scores to percentiles first need to calculate the Z-scores for your data points and then convert these Z-scores to percentiles.

Single Z-score Conversion


# Define a single Z-score z_score <- 1.75 # Convert the Z-score to percentile percentile <- pnorm(z_score) * 100 # Display the result cat("Z-score:", z_score, "=> Percentile:", percentile, "\n")


Z-score: 1.75 => Percentile: 95.99408

In this scenario, we have a Z-score of 1.75, and we convert it to its corresponding percentile using the pnorm() function. The output shows the Z-score alongside its percentile.

Multiple Z-scores Conversion


# Define a vector of Z-scores z_scores <- c(-2.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0) # Convert each Z-score to percentile percentiles <- pnorm(z_scores) * 100 # Display the results for (i in 1:length(z_scores)) { cat("Z-score:", z_scores[i], "=> Percentile:", percentiles[i], "\n") }


Z-score: -2 => Percentile: 2.275013
Z-score: -1 => Percentile: 15.86553
Z-score: 0 => Percentile: 50
Z-score: 1 => Percentile: 84.13447
Z-score: 2 => Percentile: 97.72499

In this scenario, we have a vector of Z-scores ranging from -2.0 to 2.0. We use a loop to convert each Z-score to its corresponding percentile and then display the outputs.

Negative Z-score Conversion


# Define a negative Z-score z_score <- -1.25 # Convert the Z-score to percentile percentile <- pnorm(z_score) * 100 # Display the result cat("Z-score:", z_score, "=> Percentile:", percentile, "\n")


Z-score: -1.25 => Percentile: 10.56498

In this scenario, we have a negative Z-score (-1.25), and we convert it to its percentile using the pnorm() function. The output percentile indicates the relative position of the data point within the distribution.

Implement Percentiles to Z-scores in R

To convert a percentile to a Z-score in R ‘qnorm()’ function is use, which calculates the Z-score corresponding to a given percentile in a standard normal distribution.

The formula is

z_score <- qnorm(percentile / 100)


# Define the percentile percentile <- 90 # Convert percentile to Z-score z_score <- qnorm(percentile / 100) # Display the Z-score z_score


[1] 1.281552

The ‘qnorm()’ function is also use to convert an entire vector of percentiles to Z-scores in R.


# Example vector of percentiles percentiles <- c(0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9) # Convert percentiles to Z-scores z_scores <- qnorm(percentiles) # Display the result z_scores


[1] -1.2815516 -0.6744898 0.0000000 0.6744898 1.2815516

First define a vector percentiles containing the percentiles and we want to convert to Z-scores.

  • Second we use the ‘qnorm()’ function to convert the entire vector of percentiles to Z-scores.
  • The resulting z_scores vector contains the Z-scores corresponding to each percentile in the percentiles vector.


In summary, converting between Z-scores and percentiles in R is simple and valuable for understanding data distribution and comparisons. Using functions like ‘qnorm()’ and ‘pnorm()’, analysts can easily perform these conversions, helping them interpret data effectively and make informed decisions in their analysis.

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