How to convert a whole number into a decimal?

The number system is defined as the system to represent different numbers. It is a mathematical representation of the given set of numbers by using digits or different numbers in a fixed manner. It helps to represent every number uniquely and shows the arithmetic structure of the figures. It also helps to operate mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction multiplication, and division. In mathematics, there are multiple types of number systems such as binary, decimal, octal, etc.

A number is defined as a mathematical value that is used for counting, measuring or labeling objects. Numbers are used to performing mathematical calculations. There are different types of numbers, natural numbers, whole numbers, rational numbers, irrational numbers, etc.

Types of Numbers

  • Natural numbers are the counting numbers that have a set of positive integers from 1 to infinity. Natural numbers are represented by N. For eg- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, …
  • Whole numbers are the set of numbers with all natural numbers and zero. They are represented by W. For eg- 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, …
  • Integers are the set of whole numbers with a negative set of natural numbers. They are represented by Z. For eg- …, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, …
  • Real numbers are any number positive integers, negative integers, decimal numbers, fractions without imaginary numbers are known as real numbers. They are represented by R. For eg- 0.34, 6/7, 0, -11, 20, etc.
  • Rational numbers are written as the ratio of one number over another number (p/q). They are represented by Q. For eg- 7/2, 5/3, 8/9, etc.
  • Irrational numbers are numbers that cannot be expressed in the form of p/q. They are represented by P. For eg- √2, pi, etc.

What is a decimal number?

A decimal number is defined as a number whose whole number and fraction part are separated by a decimal. The dot between the whole number and fraction part is known as a decimal. For eg- 44.9 is a decimal number.

Here, the number before the decimal is 44 and it is the whole number part and the number after the decimal is 9 and it is the fractional part of the decimal number.

Types of Decimal Numbers

Recurring decimal numbers are the numbers that have repeating fraction parts. They are also of two types, finite and infinite. For eg- 1.231231231231… (Infinite) and 3.125125 (Finite).

Non-Recurring decimal numbers are the numbers that do not have repeating fraction parts. They are also of two types, finite and infinite For eg- 6.32521353… (infinite) and 5.345 (finite).

Steps to convert a whole number into a decimal:

Step 1: Check if the given number is a whole number or not.

Step 2: Determine the number of digits required after the decimal point.

Step 3: Add a decimal and zeroes equal to the number of digits required after the decimal point to the right side of the whole number.

How to convert a whole number into a decimal?


A whole number is a number whose fraction part is zero. To convert a whole number into a decimal, you must decide the result to a certain number of places after the decimal point and simply add a decimal and the number of zeros required to the right side of the whole number. 

For example: Convert 5 into decimal to the hundredth place.

Given that the whole number is 5.

Add a decimal and two zeros to the right side of the whole number.


Hence, the decimal number is 5.00.

Similar questions

Question 1: Convert 87 into decimal to the thousandth place.


Given that the whole number is 87

Add a decimal and three zeros to the right side of the whole number.

87 = 87.000

Hence, the decimal number is 87.000.

Question 2: Convert 3 into decimal to the tenth place.


Given that the whole number is 3.

Add a decimal and one zero to the right side of the whole number.

3 = 3.0

Hence, the decimal number is 3.0.

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