How To Connect One Computer To Another Computer via LAN?

Answer: To connect one computer to another computer via LAN, use an Ethernet cable to directly connect their Ethernet ports.

The most common methods include:

  1. Wired Ethernet Connection: Use an Ethernet cable to directly connect the two computers’ network ports. For more than two computers, connect each computer to a network switch or router with Ethernet cables. This method provides a stable and fast connection.
  2. Wireless Connection (Wi-Fi): Ensure both computers are connected to the same wireless network. This method offers flexibility and mobility, as no physical cables are needed.
  3. Crossover Cable: For a direct connection without a router between two computers, use a crossover Ethernet cable. This method is less common with modern network interfaces that automatically adjust for direct connections.


Different methods cater to various needs, from stable and fast wired connections to flexible wireless setups. Choose between wired Ethernet, wireless Wi-Fi, or a direct crossover cable connection based on your specific requirements.

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