How to Concatenate with a Line Break in Excel?

Excel is a powerful tool to store, manage, and visualize large amounts of data. This tool is usually used by accounting professionals for the analysis of financial data but can be used by anyone to manage large data. Data is entered into the rows and columns. And then, various formulas and functions can be used to get insights from the data.

How to Concatenate with a Line Break in Excel?

Using Concatenate with a Line Break in Excel

Concatenation refers to joining one or more strings. The line break is added to end the current line and start a new line within the same cell. 

Excel Sheet

2 Ways to Concatenate with a Line Break in Excel

  • Using Concatenate function
  • Using Ampersand (&) sign

How to Line Break in Excel Using Concatenate function

Concatenation refers to joining one or more string. CONCATENATE() is the function that join two or more text string into one string. It takes the value to join as an argument.

Syntax: CONCATENATE(text1, text2, text3……textn)

For purpose of demonstration take the below table and concatenate the values in columns A, B, and C with a line break.

Excel WorkSheet

Step 1: Use CONCATENATE() function

Excel WorkSheet

Double quotation with a space in between (” ”) will add a space between the texts.

Step 2: Applying Formula

Drag the lower right corner downwards to apply the formula to the rest of the cells.

Excel WorkSheet

Step 3: Wrapping Text

Go to Home –> Alignment -> Wrap Text.

Excel Work Sheet


Excel Work Sheet

How to Line Break in Excel Using Ampersand (&) sign

Ampersand sign is a concatenation operator. It is used in between the text to be joined. CHAR(10) in between the formula can be used to enter a line break.

Syntax: text1 & CHAR(10) & text2 & CHAR(10) & text3…


Excel Work Sheet


Excel Work Sheet


In conclusion, mastering how to concatenate with a line break in Excel is a game-changer for text manipulation. Through this article, we have learned to how to line break in Excel using the CONCATENATE() function and the Ampersand (&) sign, thereby, smoothening data management and enhancing the clarity of the spreadsheets.

How to Concatenate with a Line Break in Excel – FAQs

How to CONCATENATE text in Excel with line breaks?

To concatenate text with line breaks in Excel:

  1. Use the CONCATENATE function.
  2. Include the text you want to combine.
  3. Insert “&CHAR(10)&” between text parts.
  4. Press Enter.
  5. The text will concatenate with line breaks.

Are there any alternatives to CONCATENATE for concatenating text in Excel?

Yes, you can also use the “,” operator to concatenate text in Excel. However, using CONCATENATE may offer more flexibility, especially when dealing with complex concatenation tasks.

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