How to Clone Git Repositories Including Submodules?

Git submodules are repositories embedded inside another repository. They allow you to incorporate external projects into your repository at a specific commit, giving you precise control over their versions. Cloning a repository with submodules requires a few extra steps to ensure the submodules are initialized and updated correctly. This article will guide you through the process of cloning a Git repository that includes submodules, explaining the necessary commands and best practices.

What Are Git Submodules?

A Git submodule is basically a pointer to a commit in another repository. This allows you to maintain a repository of dependencies or related projects alongside your main project. Unlike traditional merging or copying, submodules provide a way to include and track the exact state of another repository.

Use Cases for Submodules

  • Modular Development: When different parts of a project can be maintained in separate repositories.
  • Dependency Management: Keeping third-party libraries or tools as submodules to track their versions.
  • Collaborative Projects: Integrating code from other teams or contributors without merging their history into your main repository.

Basic Commands for Handling Submodules

Before diving into cloning, it’s useful to know some fundamental commands for managing submodules:

1. Add a Submodule:

git submodule add <repository-url> <path>

2. Initialize Submodules:

git submodule init

3. Update Submodules:

git submodule update

Cloning Repositories with Submodules

When you clone a repository with submodules, the initial clone only includes the main repository. You need to perform additional steps to clone the submodules. Here’s a step-by-step guide to do it correctly.

Step 1: Clone the Main Repository

Start by cloning the main repository as usual:

git clone <repository-url>

Step 2: Navigate to the Repository

Change into the newly cloned repository’s directory:

cd <repository-directory>

Step 3: Initialize and Update Submodules

To clone the submodules, you need to initialize and update them. This can be done in a single command:

git submodule update --init

This command does two things:

  1. –init initializes the submodule configurations stored in .gitmodules.
  2. update clones and checks out the submodules to the commit specified in the parent repository.

Step 4: Recursively Clone Submodules (If Applicable)

If your submodules contain their own submodules, you’ll need to use the –recursive option:

git submodule update --init --recursive

This ensures that all levels of submodules are initialized and updated.

How to Clone Git Repositories Including Submodules

Alternative Method: Cloning with –recurse-submodules

You can simplify the process of cloning and initializing submodules by using the –recurse-submodules flag during the initial clone:

git clone --recurse-submodules <repository-url>

This command clones the main repository and initializes and updates all submodules in one step.


Suppose you have a project that relies on an external library and includes it as a submodule:

1. Add the Submodule:

git submodule add lib/external-library

This command will add the external library as a submodule in the lib/external-library directory.

2. Commit the Submodule:

git commit -m "Add external library as a submodule"

When a collaborator wants to clone your project:

1. Clone the Main Repository:

git clone

2. Navigate to the Project Directory:

cd project

3. Initialize and Update Submodules:

git submodule update --init --recursive

Keeping Submodules Up-to-Date

Submodules do not automatically update when you pull changes from the main repository. You need to update them manually to match the commits referenced in the parent repository.

Checking Submodule Status

To see the status of your submodules:

git submodule status

This command shows the current commit of each submodule.

Updating Submodules

After pulling changes from the main repository, you might need to update the submodules:

git submodule update --recursive

This ensures all submodules are updated to the commits specified in the main repository.

Best Practices for Submodule Management

  • Commit Changes in Submodules: Always commit changes in submodules before pushing updates to the main repository.
  • Use Specific Commit References: Reference specific commits in submodules to avoid unintended changes from the submodule’s repository.
  • Document Submodule Use: Clearly document the use of submodules and any special instructions for cloning and updating them.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Submodule URL Changes

If the URL of a submodule changes, you can update it by editing the .gitmodules file and then running:

git submodule sync

Submodule Cloning Errors

If you encounter errors while cloning submodules:

  • Ensure you have the correct permissions for the submodule repositories.
  • Check the URLs in the .gitmodules file.

Submodule Updates Not Reflected

If changes in submodules are not reflected:

  • Ensure you’ve committed the changes in the submodule before pushing.
  • Use git submodule update to fetch the latest changes in the submodule.

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