How to Choose a Scalable Open Source Time Series Database

In today’s world, we use a lot of devices and systems that generate a ton of data over time. For example, think about the weather reports you see every day, the steps counted by your fitness tracker, or the information about how many people visit a website. All of this data is called time series data because it’s recorded with a timestamp, showing when each piece of information was collected.

What are Time Series Databases?

A Time Series Database (TSDB) is a software tool that works best with time series data, the data arranged in the form of numbered arrays indexed by time. A time series is only a sequence of ordered data that are recorded over time. In this case, the independent axis is the axis of time, and the purpose is generally to make predictions about the future

Time series databases are made with the purpose of efficiently collecting, storing, and querying a variety of time series with related data. They are to be configured for statistics that change at a time — as in the room temperature or the CPU usage of the computer.

These databases are well-suited for watching systems because they can monitor the progress of such changes, which is very significant for monitoring applications. On the other hand, the TSDB may be applied for the monitoring of computer network performance over time and it can be used for tracking parameters like network latency, traffic volume, and error rates.

IoT devices produce multiple sequences of data. As an example, your smart home thermostat might document the temperature every 1 second. This data will be timestamped and will be saved into a TSDB. Then you may have the database and run a query to see how the temperature of your home varies during the day.

Use Case Time Series Databases

Time series databases are used in many different situations.

  • They help financial companies keep track of stock prices and how they change over time.
  • They’re used in the Internet of Things (IoT) to monitor data from sensors, like temperature or humidity sensors.
  • They help companies in industries like manufacturing or energy keep an eye on how their machines are performing and when they might need maintenance.
  • They’re even used in weather forecasting to analyze weather patterns over time.

Key Factors to Choose Open Source Time Series Database

Deciding on the TSDB (Time Series Database) is hardly an easy task. Here are some key factors to consider:

  1. Scalability: Scalability is the component that allows a system to overcome high workloads. When it comes to Time Series Database (TSDB) expansion, your database must be able to handle this growth in the volume of your data.
  2. Performance: This means the speed of data writes and reads go from / to the database. This TSDB is able to keep up with the writes and reads which are large and to offer quick responses.
  3. Data Retention Policies: At the end of the time, huge data can appear to be produced from time series data. Among some TSDBs, you will be able to define retention policies that delete data after a given period of time.
  4. Query Language: The Query language is the means in which you undertake operations with the database by requesting for and modifying data. Query language which is both powerful and flexible supports several complex queries, hence, it becomes easier to generate useful insights from the data.
  5. Community Support: A community around an open-source TSDB might be a helpful source to go to. It can be a support, share the best practices, and update you time to time on the new features and changes that are released.

Architecture to Consider for Open Source Database

When making their choice for a Scalable Open-Source Time Series Database, a Distributed Architecture is normally one of their greatest factors.Here’s why:

  1. Scalability: Distributed databases were designed to scale horizontally, this mean that you can just add more number of servers on the network to handle more data and traffic. This becomes extremely important for time series databases since they usually deal with huge amounts of data.
  2. Performance: In a peer-to-peer architecture, data is distributed amongst several servers which makes an individual server less taxed. This may end up in enhanced performance, with data I/O operations mainly being responsible for read and write times crucial to time series databases.
  3. High Availability: Fault tolerance is ensured with distributed databases as data is replicated across different servers, thus if one fails, peers can take over. This will keep the database reachable, therefore ensuring that your application or system receives reliable services.
  4. Data Locality: Here in some distributed databases data is stored where it is most frequently accessed thus reducing latency and improving performance.

On the other hand, handling a distributed database can actually be harder than the process of handling a conventional, single-node database. There will be things like consistency of data, network partitioning and others, which you should take into account.

Data Model and Query Language

TSDBs typically adopt a schema-less or semi-structured data model suited for time series data. They often support flexible schemas, allowing for dynamic addition and modification of fields over time. Common query languages for TSDBs include SQL-like languages with extensions for time series operations, as well as domain-specific languages optimized for time-based queries, aggregation, and filtering.

Ecosystem and Integrations

The ecosystem surrounding a TSDB plays a crucial role in its adoption and integration with existing tools and systems. Considerations include:

  • Client libraries and drivers: Availability of SDKs and connectors for popular programming languages and frameworks to simplify development and integration.
  • Compatibility with existing tools: Support for industry-standard protocols and APIs, such as Prometheus, Grafana, and InfluxDB line protocol, for seamless integration with monitoring and visualization tools.
  • Community and support: Active community engagement, documentation, and support resources to assist users with deployment, configuration, and troubleshooting.

Examples of Scalable Open Source Time Series Databases

Here are a few open source TSDBs that are known for their scalability:

  1. InfluxDB: InfluxDB is a scalable (high-performance) data store built for time series data. It is highly tuned for rapid, high-availability input/output functions in relation to time series data. InfluxDB comes with a high ingestion throughput, compression, querying and real-time capabilities.
  2. TimescaleDB: TimescaleDB is an open-source database with the goal of allow SQL to scale on time-series data. It is an inheritance from PostgreSQL, thus, all benefits of PostgreSQL such as reliability, robustness and performance are in it.
  3. OpenTSDB: As an open source distributed and scalable time series database, OpenTSDB is known as OTS. It is developed on the base of HBase and intended to provide fine tracking of metrics in big data scenarios without losing granularity as time goes on. With OpenTSDB, users can get access to variety of options for extracting, manipulating, and analyzing data.


Selecting the right open source time series database demands first of all understanding your specific requirements and the features of at your disposal. When you have identified the essential elements for your solution and you have run several tests, it will be easy for you to find a solution that is scalable and suits your project’s needs. Notes: Remember to choose the one database that best suits your particular use case and requirements.

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