How to Check if an Array Field Contains a Unique Value or Another Array in MongoDB?

MongoDB is a widely used NoSQL database that enables developers to query complex data structures flexibly. In MongoDB, arrays are commonly used to store lists of values, providing flexibility in data modeling.

To ensure data integrity and get valuable insights, it’s important to understand how to check for unique values and arrays within array fields. In this guide, we’ll explore MongoDB’s querying capabilities in-depth and provide examples to illustrate each concept.

Understanding Array Fields in MongoDB

Array fields in MongoDB represent lists of values stored within documents. These arrays can contain various data types, including strings, numbers, or even nested arrays. Understanding the structure and usage of array fields lays the foundation for effectively querying MongoDB collections.

Checking for Unique Values

Ensuring that an array field contains unique values is a common requirement in data management. MongoDB’s aggregation framework provides the tools necessary to perform such checks efficiently. Let’s explore the steps involved in checking for unique values within an array field using the $addToSet operator.

// Aggregation pipeline to check for unique values in the "tags" array field
{ $unwind: "$tags" }, // Unwind the "tags" array
{ $group: { _id: "$_id", uniqueTags: { $addToSet: "$tags" } } }, // Group by document ID and accumulate unique tags
{ $project: { _id: 0, uniqueTags: 1 } } // Project only the unique tags array

In this aggregation pipeline:

  • $unwind: Expands the “tags” array, creating a separate document for each element.
  • $group: Groups the documents by their ID and accumulates unique tags using the $addToSet operator.
  • $project: Projects only the unique tags array, excluding the document ID.

Executing this aggregation pipeline returns a list of unique values present in the “tags” array field for each document in the collection.

Checking for Arrays

Another common scenario involves checking whether an array field contains a specific array. MongoDB’s querying capabilities enable us to perform such checks using the $in operator. Let’s examine how to verify if the “categories” array field contains the array [“electronics“, “appliances“].

// Query to check if the "categories" array field contains the array ["electronics", "appliances"]
db.collection.find({ categories: { $in: ["electronics", "appliances"] } });

In this query

  • $in: Matches documents where the “categories” array field contains any value from the specified array [“electronics“, “appliances“].

Executing this query retrieves documents where the “categories” array field matches the specified array criteria.


Let’s apply these querying techniques to practical examples within a hypothetical “products” collection. Suppose each document represents a product, containing array fields such as “tags” and “categories.” We’ll perform checks to ensure unique values within the “tags” array and verify the presence of the array [“electronics“, “appliances“] within the “categories” array.

// Aggregation pipeline to check for unique values in the "tags" array field
{ $unwind: "$tags" },
{ $group: { _id: "$_id", uniqueTags: { $addToSet: "$tags" } } },
{ $project: { _id: 0, uniqueTags: 1 } }

// Query to check if the "categories" array field contains the array ["electronics", "appliances"]
db.products.find({ categories: { $in: ["electronics", "appliances"] } });

Executing these queries against the “products” collection ensures data consistency and validates the presence of specific array values as per our criteria.

Using the $unset Operator

Another method for modifying documents in MongoDB involves using the $unset operator. This operator removes a specified field from a document. Let’s consider a scenario where we need to remove the “obsoleteField” from documents in a collection named “exampleCollection“.

// Removing the "obsoleteField" from documents in the "exampleCollection"
db.exampleCollection.updateMany({}, { $unset: { obsoleteField: "" } });
  • updateMany(): Updates multiple documents that match the specified filter.
  • $unset: Removes the “obsoleteField” from each matching document.

Using the deleteOne() Method

The deleteOne() method is another approach for modifying documents, specifically for deleting a single document that matches a specified filter. Let’s say we want to delete a document from the “exampleCollection” where the “status” field equals “inactive”.

// Deleting a document from the "exampleCollection" where "status" is "inactive"
db.exampleCollection.deleteOne({ status: "inactive" });
  • deleteOne(): Deletes a single document that matches the specified filter.


Whether verifying unique values within array fields or validating the presence of specific arrays, MongoDB offers a versatile set of capabilities to address diverse data scenarios. By leveraging the aggregation framework and querying operators like $addToSet and $in, developers can ensure data integrity and extract meaningful insights from MongoDB collections. With the practical examples provided in this guide, developers are empowered to wield MongoDB’s querying capabilities with confidence, unlocking the full potential of their data-driven applications.

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