How to check foreach Loop Key Value in PHP ?

In PHP, the foreach loop can be used to loop over an array of elements. It can be used in many ways such as

Table of Content

  • Using the for-each loop with simple values
  • Using the foreach loop with Key-Value pairs
  • Using array_keys Function to Access Keys and Values

Using the for-each loop with simple values

We can use the foreach loop to access and use the elements in an array of simple values, such as strings or numbers.

Example 1: In this example we iterates over the $names array with foreach, printing each name followed by a line break (<br>), resulting in a list of names displayed on separate lines.

    $names = array("Ramesh", "Suresh", "Ram", "Shyam");
    foreach ($names as $value) {
    echo "$value <br>";



In the above example, each element of the array names is iterated over and is assigned to the variable value.

Example 2: In this example we iterates over the $marks array using foreach, printing each mark followed by a line break (<br>), resulting in each mark displayed on a new line.

    $marks = array(45, 78, 93, 69);
    foreach ($marks as $value) {
      echo "$value <br>";



Using the foreach loop with Key-Value pairs

We will use the same foreach loop to iterate over an array of key-value pairs.

Example : In this case, an array of students and their marks are taken in the array.

    $markSheet = array("Ramesh"=>45, "Suresh"=>78, "Ram"=>93, "Shyam"=>69);
    foreach ($markSheet as $key => $val) {
      echo "$key - $val<br>";


Ramesh - 45
Suresh - 78
Ram - 93
Shyam - 69

In the example above, we iterate over each array element and then extract the key-value pair into variables key and val respectively.

Using array_keys Function to Access Keys and Values

In this new approach, we will use the array_keys function to access the keys directly and then use those keys to access the corresponding values.

Example : In this example we retrieves array keys using array_keys and iterates over them with foreach, printing each key and its corresponding value from the $markSheet array.

$markSheet = array("Nikunj" => 45, "Dhruv" => 78, "Yash" => 93, "Arti" => 69); 

$keys = array_keys($markSheet); // Get all keys of the array

foreach ($keys as $key) {
    echo "$key - $markSheet[$key] \n";

Nikunj - 45 
Dhruv - 78 
Yash - 93 
Arti - 69 

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