How to Check Column Types in PostgreSQL?

In Procedural Language/Structured Query Language is an extension of SQL Language checking column types is an important aspect of understanding the structure and data stored in a database table. In this article, We will understand various method that helps in checking the column types in PostgreSQL with the help of examples and so on.

Table of Content

  • Ways to Check Column Types in PostgreSQL
  • Check Column Types using the \d Command
  • Check Column Types using pg_typeof() Function
  • Check Column Types using information_schema.columns View

Ways to Check Column Types in PostgreSQL

To understand How to Check Column Types in PostgreSQL we need a table on which we will perform various operations. So we create a table example_table.

Creating the table example_table

CREATE TABLE example_table 
    name VARCHAR(50),
    age INT,
    is_student BOOLEAN

How to Check Column Types using the \d Command?

The ā€œ\dā€ command in PostgreSQL can be used with the table name to provide details about the table, such as the columnā€™s data types.

Syntax :

\d table_name

Replace table_name with the name of the table. The result will include the data type of every column.


\d example_table;


Output of \d command

Explanation: The above query will retrieve the data types of all columns in the table example_table.

How to Check Column Types using pg_typeof() Function?

PostgreSQL comes with a built-in function called pg_typeof() that may take a column as an input and return the data type of the given column.


SELECT pg_typeof(expression) FROM table_name;

To find the data type for a given value or column, replace expression with that value or column.


SELECT pg_typeof(name),pg_typeof(age) 
FROM example_table

In the above query, ā€œLIMIT 1ā€ is used to retrieve the data type only once . The data type will be retrieved as many times as the column values if the LIMIT clause is omitted.


Output of pg_typeof() function

Explanation: The above query will retrieve the data type of the columns ā€œnameā€ and ā€œageā€ of the table example_table.

How to Check Column Types using information_schema.columns View?

PostgreSQLā€™s information_schema.columns view is used to obtain details about the columns in database tables. we can verify the data type of any or all of the columns using the information_schema.columns view.


SELECT column_name, data_type
FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_schema = 'your_schema_name'
  AND table_name = 'your_table_name';

Replace ā€˜your_schema_nameā€™ and ā€˜your_table_nameā€™ with the actual schema and table names we want to query.



SELECT column_name, data_type
FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_schema = 'public' AND 
table_name = 'example_table';


Output for information_schema.columns view

Explanation: The above query will retrieve the data types of all columns in the table example_table.


Overaall, After reading whole article you have good understanding of How to Check Column Types in PostgreSQL using various method which are Using the \d Command, Using the information_schema.columns View and Using the pg_typeof() Function. We also saw the examples of these method to get better understanding. With the help of these method you cane easily perform query and get the desired output.

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