How to Change XAMPP Apache Server Port?

XAMPP is a popular development environment that bundles Apache, MySQL, PHP, and other components to provide local web development. By default, the Apache server runs on port 80 for HTTP and port 443 for HTTPS. However, there may be instances where you need to change the default port configuration, such as when port 80 is already in use or to improve security. In this article, we’ll provide a detailed guide on how to change the Apache server port in XAMPP.

Steps to change XAMPP Apache Server Port

Step 1: Open XAMPP and start Apache. Here we can see that the default port is 80 (localhost:8080).

XAMPP Control Panel

Step 2: Stop the running state of Apache, Click “config” button.Here, we have to choose ‘httpd.conf’ for changing port.

Apache port change file

Step 3: Access the Apache service in XAMPP to open the httpd.conf configuration file in Notepad. Modify the listening port to your desired value, such as 81, at two locations within the file.

Listen 80

Find the line that says ‘ServerName localhost:80’. Change the port here as well.

ServerName localhost 80

Step 4: Save the modifications and exit the ‘httpd.conf file. Afterwards, restart the Apache service. Upon restarting, Apache will now be accessible on the newly designated port (e.g., 81).

Apache on port 81

By following these steps, we can successfully change the port of your XAMPP Apache server to avoid conflicts and ensure smooth operation.

Benefits with Changing Port

  • Avoiding Port Conflicts: If you have other applications or services running on the default Apache port (port 80), changing the port can help avoid conflicts and ensure that both XAMPP’s Apache server and other services can operate simultaneously.
  • Enhancing Security: Changing the default port can enhance security by making it more difficult for unauthorized users or automated bots to access your server. Many attackers target services running on well-known ports, so using a non-standard port can add an extra layer of security.
  • Testing Environment: Using a different port for your XAMPP Apache server can create a dedicated testing environment, allowing you to run multiple instances of Apache on the same machine for different projects or configurations without interference.
  • Learning and Development: Changing the port can be educational for learning purposes, helping you understand how servers and network configurations function. It also allows developers to simulate different network setups and test how their applications behave in various environments.
  • Server Isolation: If you’re running multiple web servers or services on the same machine, changing the port for Apache can help isolate each service, making it easier to manage and troubleshoot individual components without affecting others.


In conclusion, changing the port in Apache within XAMPP offers a range of benefits that enhance flexibility, security, and efficiency in web development and server management. By avoiding port conflicts, enhancing security measures, creating dedicated testing environments, facilitating learning and development, and enabling server isolation, this adjustment empowers developers to optimize their workflow, protect their applications, and streamline their server configurations. Whether for professional projects or educational purposes, adjusting the Apache port in XAMPP proves to be a valuable practice for achieving optimal performance and functionality in web development environments.

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