How to Change Tkinter LableFrame Border Color?

LableFrame in Tkinter is the widget that creates the rectangular area which contains other widgets. In this article, we are going to see how we can change the border of the label frame. But for achieving the color, we need to go through the theme for Tkinter, hence we use ttk module for the same which is inbuilt in python 3 Tkinter.

Step by Step Implementation:

Step 1: Importing all the required modules


# import tkinter 
import tkinter as tk 
# import ttk theme module for styling
import tkinter.ttk as ttk

Step 2: Building the label frame and put some widgets inside it.


import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.ttk as ttk
# initialize the tkinter window
root = tk.Tk() 
# provide some width and height
# created a label frame with title "Group"
labelframe = ttk.LabelFrame(root, text = "GFG")
# provide padding 
labelframe.pack(padx=30, pady=30
# created the text label inside the the labelframe
left = tk.Label(labelframe, text="Beginner for Beginner"


Example 1: Using Clam theme in Tkinter.

Clam is a theme for tkinter windows and widgets. It comes under ttk module. The syntax for creating clam ttk window:

style = ttk.Style()

Note: We use a clam theme in ttk module which enables using properties like border colors. Other themes may not have properties like border color.

Below is the implementation: 


import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.ttk as ttk
root = tk.Tk()
# initialize style function
style = ttk.Style()
# Use clam theme
# Used TLabelframe for styling labelframe widgets,
# and use red color for border
style.configure("TLabelframe", bordercolor="red")
labelframe = ttk.LabelFrame(root, text = "GFG")
labelframe.grid(padx = 30, pady = 30)
left = tk.Label(labelframe, text = "Beginner for Beginner")


Example 2: Building our own style functionality theme.


# creating the theme

style.theme_create(‘class_name’, # Name of the class                   


                       ‘TLabelframe’: {  # Name of the widget 

                           ‘configure’: {  # Configure argument

                               ‘background’:’green’  # changing background argument





# For using the theme


We created a style theme function with the help of ttk style. We use theme_create to create the functionality and can use that using theme_use for assigning the theme.

Below is the implementation: 


import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.ttk as ttk
# initialize the tkinter window
root = tk.Tk()
# initializing the style function
style = ttk.Style()
# creating the theme with the
# initializing the style function
style = ttk.Style()
# creating the theme with the
                   # getting the settings
                       # getting through the Labelframe
                       # widget
                       'TLabelframe': {
                           # configure the changes
                           'configure': {
                               'background': 'green'
                       # getting through the Labelframe's 
                       # label widget
                       'TLabelframe.Label': {
                           'configure': {
                               'background': 'green'
# created a label frame with title "Group"
labelframe = ttk.LabelFrame(root, text="Group")
# provide padding
labelframe.pack(padx=30, pady=30)
# created the text label inside the the labelframe
left = tk.Label(labelframe, text="Beginner for Beginner")


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