How to Change the Data Store Directory in MongoDB?

MongoDB, a versatile NoSQL database, provides default storage for its data files in the ‘/data/db’ directory on Unix-like systems and ‘\data\db’ on Windows. While this default setup is suitable for many applications, it may not always be ideal, especially for large-scale projects or when storage space is limited.

Recognizing the importance of flexibility, MongoDB allows administrators to define a custom directory for their data files, an important step in optimizing database performance. In this article, we will learn about How to Change the Data Store Directory in MongoDB by understanding various methods with the help of examples and so on.

How to Change the Data Store Directory in MongoDB?

  • By default, MongoDB stores its data files in the ‘/data/db‘ directory on Unix-like systems and ‘\data\db‘ on Windows.
  • This default setting might not always be optimal, especially for large-scale applications or when the default drive lacks sufficient space.
  • Recognizing the need for flexibility, MongoDB allows administrators to specify a custom directory for their data files a critical step for optimizing database performance.
  • We can change the data store directory in MongoDB by below methods:
    • Temporarily Change the MongoDB Data Directory
    • Permanently Set the MongoDB Data Directory

1. Temporarily Change the MongoDB Data Directory

To temporarily adjust the data directory, we can use the `–dbpath` option when starting the `mongod` process. This option signifies a direct command to MongoDB to use an alternative path for data files.

Example: Changing the Data Directory to ‘/mnt/mongodb-data’

1. Ensure the directory exists : First, create the directory ‘/mnt/mongodb-data‘ and set the appropriate permissions.

2. Start MongoDB with the new path:

mongod --dbpath /mnt/mongodb-data

Result: MongoDB will commence, utilizing ‘/mnt/mongodb-data’ as the storage directory for database files.

2. Permanently Set the MongoDB Data Directory

For a permanent solution, specify the data directory in MongoDB’s configuration file, `mongod.conf`, commonly located in ‘/etc/mongod.conf‘.

1. Open `mongod.conf` and add the following line:

dbPath: /mnt/mongodb-data

2. Restart MongoDB to apply the changes.

Result: MongoDB will automatically utilize the specified directory for storage upon startup.

Example: Automating the Process through a Configuration File

Instead of specifying ‘–dbpath‘ every time, we can specify the data directory in MongoDB’s configuration file, typically named ‘mongod.conf‘, located in ‘/etc/mongod.conf‘ or a similar directory.

Add the following line to the configuration file:

dbPath: /mnt/mongodb-data

Result: When we start MongoDB using this configuration file, it will automatically use the specified directory for storage.


Overall, Customizing the storage location of MongoDB’s data files is a straightforward and powerful technique for enhancing database performance and managing storage efficiently. Whether you using for a temporary switch using the --dbpath option or a permanent adjustment through mongod.conf and MongoDB provides the flexibility and control needed to optimize your database environment.

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