How to Change Package Name in Flutter?

Every Flutter app has a package name that uniquely identifies your app on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. In this article, we will learn how to change the package name with a simple and easy method. The package name is basically a unique identity to identify that app on App Store, Play Store, and different platforms just like the Aadhaar card in India to identify your personality. The package name can be divided into 3 parts.


  1. domain_name means your organization’s last name like com, edu, in, and many more.
  2. organization_name means your organization name to which that particular project belongs.
  3. project_name means your project name 

To easily understand 1 and 2 just think about the website name of that organization name. For example, if it is then your organization name can be com.flutterwings. You can do this by 2 method 

  1. Manually on each and every place where it is written (But we didn’t prefer this because sometimes we can skip places to replace them with the new package name)
  2. Through package on the

Let’s start with the 2nd one

Step 1: Import this package in dev dependency in your flutter project


  change_app_package_name: ^0.1.3

Step 2: Then save your file or run flutter pub get.

Step 3: Last step to run this command on your terminal with your new package name


flutter pub run change_app_package_name:main

That’s it now your package name got changed everywhere with each and every platform.

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