How to change Data type in Tableau?

Tableau is the easy-to-use Business Intelligence tool used in data visualization. Its unique feature is, to allow data real-time collaboration and data blending, etc. Through Tableau, users can connect databases, files, and other big data sources and can create a shareable dashboard through them. Tableau is mainly used by researchers, professionals, and government organizations for data analysis and visualization.

In Tableau, we basically have 7 Data types as mentioned below:

  • String values
  • Number values
  • Date values
  • Date & Time values
  • Boolean values
  • Geographic values
  • Cluster or mixed values

Normally, Tableau detects and allocate data types to all fields in a freshly uploaded data set. But, users have the equal right to modify the data types at many stages in Tableau. 

We are going to discuss three major ways in which users can change the data types of existing data fields:

1. Changing data type of fields in the Data Source page:

In order to change the data type of field from the data source, the first step is to click on the field’s data type icon. As a result, a drop-down list will emerge, now choose a new data type and allot it to the values of that field.  

In the above image, the data type of the ‘User Id‘ field is ‘Number (whole)‘. Let’s change its data type from Number to String.

It is clearly visible that the data type of the ‘User Id’ field is changed from Number to String.

2. Changing data type of field from Data pane:

Suppose the user doesn’t want to disturb the data source but still wishes to change the data type of fields, then there exists another option. The user can easily modify the data types from the Data pane of Tableau. The first step is to click on the field’s data type icon. As a result, a drop-down list will emerge, now choose a new data type and apply it to the values of that field.  

In the above image, the data type of field ‘Name‘ is ‘String’. Let’s change it to Boolean.

It is clearly visible that the data type of the ‘Name’ field is changed from String to Boolean

3. Changing the data type of field in the View:

And, the last option to change the data type of fields is through Views. The first step is to Right-click the field and then choose Change Data Type from the drop-down list. Now a new list will be opened, select a new data type and apply it to the values of that field.  

In the above image, the data type of the ‘Location‘ field is ‘String‘. Let’s change it to Date & Time.

It is clearly visible that the data type of the ‘Location’ field is changed from String to Date & Time.

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