How to Change Chart Colors in Google Sheets

Google Sheets is one of the most popular cloud-based spreadsheet applications developed by Google as a part of Google Workspace. It is very similar to MS Excel as it enables us to create and edit our data on spreadsheets and also enables us to share our spreadsheets with our co-workers or peers online.

Changing the colors of charts in Google Sheets is a powerful way to enhance visual impact and draw attention to the most important aspects of your data. By tweaking the color schemes, you can highlight trends, patterns, and outliers more effectively, making your charts not just more attractive, but also more informative.

Here we will learn, How to Change Chart Colors in Google Sheets.

How to Change Chart Colors in Google Sheets

Change Chart Color in Google Sheets

Step 1: Open your Google Sheets document

Go to your web browser open Google Sheets, login into your Google account.

Step-2: Select the Chart

Select the Chart you want to edit by double-clicking on it.

How to Change Chart Color in Google Sheets

Step 3: Open the Chart Editor

To change the color of our Chart we first have to open the Chart Editor. To open Chart Editor – Double click on the chart to see the Chart Editor section in the right corner or,

Click on the chart ->Click on the 3 dots on the top right corner of the chart-> Click on Edit the Chart.

Note: You’ll see a Chart Editor in the right side of the screen. Chart Editor is a tool in Google Sheets which is used to customise the appearance and setting of the chart you create within your spreadsheets. Chart Editor provided a user-friendly interface where we can modify the – design, layout, colours, labels and more.

How to Change Color in Google Sheets

How to Change Chart Color in Google Sheets

Step 4: Customize the Chart colors

After opening the Chart Editor we’ll have to open the Customise tab in Chart Editor. Click on Customise Tab -> Click on Series.

How to Change Chart Color in Google Sheets

STEP-5. Select the Series

Series refers to the group of related data that are graphically represented in a chart. Each series represents a set of data that we want to compare or analyze. For example, if we are creating a bar graph representing the amount of sales in different years then the amount of sales in each separate year will be a separate series in the graph.

To select the Series – Click on Apply to all Series and select the series whose color you want to change (In my case I have selected the Rishab Sales)

How to Change Chart Color in Google Sheets

Step 6: Choose a Color

Below the Select bar you will see a Format section -> Click on Fill Color and Select the color for your series, You can either choose from the color palettes or use a custom color.

How to Change Chart Color in Google Sheets

Step 7: Apply and Save the Changes

After adjusting the color you will see the colors of the graph will automatically change, now you use the same steps to change the color of all the Series in your graph accordingly.

How to Change Chart Color in Google Sheets

Step 8: Review your chart.

The Chart will now reflect a new color scheme which you choose and if you’re satisfied with the color scheme of the chart you can close the Chart Editor.


In conclusion, customizing the colors of your charts in Google Sheets is a simple yet effective way to enhance the clarity and impact of your data visualizations. We used Chart Editor to modify our chart, Chart Editor provided a user interface for modifying the design, colors, settings, and layout of the chart to make it look more visually appealing. Do remember that the steps in this article may slightly differ depending on the version of the Google Sheet you are using but the overall and general process of opening the Chart Editor and customizing the color of the chart in the Customise tab will be the same.

How to Change Chart Colors in Google Sheets – FAQs

How do I customize a chart on Google Sheets?

To customize a chart in Google Sheets, click on the chart to select it, then use the chart editor on the right side of the screen to adjust settings like chart type, data range, axis titles, and colors.

How do I change the color of my chart?

To change the color of a chart in Google Sheets:

  1. Click on the chart to select it.
  2. Open the chart editor by clicking on the three dots in the upper right corner of the chart or using the sidebar that appears.
  3. Go to the “Customize” tab in the chart editor.
  4. Select “Series“.
  5. Here, you can change the color for the entire series or individual data points by selecting them and choosing a new color from the color palette.

How do I change the custom color in Google Sheets?

To change to a custom color in Google Sheets:

  1. Select the element you want to change (like a chart series or cell background).
  2. Open the color selection tool by clicking on the color icon (for charts, this is in the chart editor under the “Series” section; for cells, it’s in the toolbar).
  3. Click on “Custom” to open the custom color picker.
  4. Adjust the color using the slider and the color matrix, or enter a specific hex code if you have one.
  5. Click “OK” to apply the new color.

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