How to center a popup window on screen?

JavaScript method is used to open a popup window. This popup window will be placed in the center of the screen.

  • popupWinHeight: The height of the pop-up window on the screen.
  • popupWinWidth: The width of the pop-up window on the screen.

Example 1: This example creates the pop-up window without placing it into the center. 


<!DOCTYPE html>
        Non-centered popup window
        on the screen
        Non-centered popup window
        on the screen
        function createPopupWin(pageURL, pageTitle,
            popupWinWidth, popupWinHeight) {
            let left = (screen.width);
            let top = (screen.height);
            let myWindow =, pageTitle,
                'resizable=yes, width=' + popupWinWidth
                + ', height=' + popupWinHeight + ', top='
                + top + ', left=' + left);
    <button onclick="createPopupWin('',
            'w3wiki Website', 1200, 650);">


Opening popup anywhere at the screen

Center popup window: To center the popup window we are changing the values of parameters of open() method as follows:

  • left = (screen.width – popupWinWidth) / 2
  • top = (screen.height – popupWinHeight) / 4

Example 2: This example creates the pop up window and placing it into center. 


<!DOCTYPE html>
        Centered popup window
        on the screen
        Centered popup window
        on the screen
        function createPopupWin(pageURL, pageTitle,
            popupWinWidth, popupWinHeight) {
            let left = (screen.width - popupWinWidth) / 2;
            let top = (screen.height - popupWinHeight) / 4;
            let myWindow =, pageTitle,
                'resizable=yes, width=' + popupWinWidth
                + ', height=' + popupWinHeight + ', top='
                + top + ', left=' + left);
    <button onclick="createPopupWin('',
            'w3wiki Website', 1200, 650);">


Opening popup box at the center of the screen

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