How to Categorize a Year as a Leap or Non-Leap Using VueJS?

In this article, we will demonstrate the way to categorize a year as a Leap or Non-Leap using VueJS. A leap year has 366 days, whereas a non-leap year has only 365 days. We can use logic to check whether a year is a Leap or not. If a year is divisible by 400 or 4 (but not by 100) it is a leap year, otherwise, it’s not.

Steps for Installation & Configuration:

Step 1: Run the following command in your command line to create a workspace for your Vue project.

npm create vue@latest

Step 2: Now, install the Vuesax package to use its styled components using the below command.

// For npm users
npm install vuesax@next
// For yarn users
yarn add vuesax@next

Step 3: After creating your Vue project move into the folder to perform different operations by visiting the folder using the below command.

cd <your-project-name>

Step to run the application:

Type the following commands in the terminal to run the application.

npm install
npm run dev

Project Structure

Project Structure

Example: The below example demonstrates categorization of a year as a Leap or Non-Leap using VueJS? change the App.vue code with the below code.


    <div class="grid">
        <form @submit.prevent="checkLeapYear">
                <vs-col :sm="size">
                    <vs-input type="number"
                            placeholder="Enter the year" />
                <vs-col :sm="size">
                    <vs-button color="#2f8d46" type="gradient">
        <div v-for="(item, index) in leapYearArray" :key="index">
            <p>Year: {{ item.year }}</p>
                Leap Year: {{ item.isLeapYear ? 'Yes' : 'No' }}
export default {
    data() {
        return {
            year: null,
            size: 6,
            leapYearArray: []
    methods: {
        checkLeapYear() {
            if (this.year === null) {
            const yearValue = parseInt(this.year);
            let isLeapYear = false;
            if ((yearValue % 4 == 0) && (yearValue % 100 != 0)) {
                isLeapYear = true;
            } else if (yearValue % 400 == 0) {
                isLeapYear = true;
            this.leapYearArray.push({ year: yearValue,
                                    isLeapYear: isLeapYear });
            this.year = null;



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