How to Calling Smart Contract Functions with Web3.js?

Have you wondered how smart contracts interact with the front end? So, the answer is the web3.js library. First, briefly discuss some terms related to web3.js and learn about them.


Web3. js is a collection of libraries that allow users to interact between smart contracts and the front end. It is used to develop websites that can interact with different blockchains.

Ethereum-based applications can interact with developers through a set of APIs provided by Web3.js. These APIs include:

  • Web3: It is the main interface for interacting with Ethereum Blockchain. It provides functions for interacting with contracts, accounts, and the Ethereum main network or test network.
  • Eth: It is an interface for interacting with the Ethereum network. It provides functions for querying the network and sending transactions.
  • Contract: It provides an interface for interacting with smart contracts. It provides the functionality for interacting, deploying, and listening to events from deployed smart contracts.

Smart Contract:

It is a self-executing program that runs on Ethereum Blockchain and automates the actions required in an agreement or contract. All the transactions done through smart contracts are irreversible and can be traced. Any transaction that modifies blockchain costs gas.

Example of Smart Contract

for more detail about Smart Contracts refer to: Smart Contract

functions :

A function in Solidity is a piece of reusable code that can be called within or outside of a smart contract. There is a keyword ‘function’ to define the function in solidity language, which is followed by the function’s name and it is to be noticed that function’s name can’t be any reserved keywords. Function can contains parameter or list of parameters denoting the datatype and name of parameter. It’s optional to return or to not return any value from function but it is defined at the time of declaration.

function function_name(parameter_list) scope returns(return_type) {
// block of code

for more about functions in Solidity read the article: Solidity – Functions

Prerequisites :

  • how to write smart contracts in Solidity Language
  • contract deployment on the Testnet or Mainnet of Ethereum using Remix IDE

learn here how to deploy a smart contract: Deploy Contract

Approach :

Main Logic to call the function through web3.js is :

1. Install Web3.js – It is a JavaScript library that helps to interact with Ethereum-based applications. One can install it, using a package manager like yarn or npm. For example, using npm , run the following command in your terminal:

  npm install web3
yarn add web3

2. Connection to a Provider – It is an object that allows us to communicate with nodes on Ethereum Blockchain. You can use the default provider provided by MetaMask or make it on your own like Infura. Here, we will use Metamask provider .

Here’s a command how to create a Web3 object and connect to the Metamask provider:

import Web3 from 'web3';
const web3 = new Web3(window.ethereum);

3. Contract ABI loaded from Remix – The ABI (Application Binary Interface) is a file that describes the interface for the smart contract, including the functions that it has Copy the ABI code from Remix IDE and paste it in file named as ‘ABI.json’. One can load the ABI by fetching it from a URL or using the require function in Node.js. In this example, we’ll load it using require:

 import ABI from './ABI.json'
const ABI = require('./ABI.json');

4. Instance creation of the Contract – Web3 object is once instantiated and the contract ABI, then one can create an instance of the contract using by calling the web3.eth.Contract() function:

const contract = new web3.eth.Contract( 
"Paste the hash or address of smart contract here(example: 0x123456789abcdef123456789abcdef123456789')"

Note: Hash or address of smart contract is produced while deploying it on any blockchain. Copy that hash and paste it above.

for testing purpose, deploy the smart contract on test network first and check its accuracy and correctness and then after deploying it on main network.

5. Calling the Contract Functions

Now, we can call any specific function of smart contract using contract.methods object.

Syntax :



It is very simple to call a contract function using Web3.js. You just need to load the contract ABI, then creation of an instance of the contract, and calling the specific function using the contract.methods object on the contract. With Web3.js, you can interact with Ethereum-based applications from your JavaScript applications, which helps to develop decentralised applications.

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