How to Call a Function with Mouse Hover in VueJS ?

In Vue.js, the function can be triggered when the element is hovered using directives like @mouseover or @mousemove, allowing for dynamic interactions based on mouse movements.

Table of Content

  • Using @mouseover Directive
  • Using @mousemove Directive

Using @mouseover Directive

In this approach, we are using the @mouseover directive in Vue.js to trigger the mouseOverFn method when the mouse hovers over the specified element. The method sets a message and shows it for 1 second before hiding it when the mouse leaves the element.


<div @mouseover="methodName">...</div>

Example: The below example uses @mouseover Directive to call a function with Mouse Hover in VueJS.

<!DOCTYPE html>

        Example 1
    <script src=
        .styled-link {
            color: green;
            text-decoration: underline;
            cursor: pointer;

    <div id="app">
            Using @mouseover Directive
        <div @mouseleave="mouseLeaveFn" 
            Hover over me!
        <p v-show="showMessage"> 
            {{ message }} 
        new Vue({
            el: '#app',
            data: {
                message: '',
                showMessage: false
            methods: {
                mouseOverFn() {
                    if (!this.showMessage) {
                        this.message = 
                            'Hello GFG! Message from Function';
                        this.showMessage = true;
                        setTimeout(() => {
                            this.showMessage = false;
                        }, 1000);
                mouseLeaveFn() {
                    this.showMessage = false;


Using @mousemove Directive

In this approach, we are using the @mousemove directive in Vue.js to trigger the handleMouseMove method when the mouse is moved over the specified element. The method sets a message and shows it for 1.5 seconds before hiding it when the mouse leaves the element.


<div @mousemove="methodName">...</div>

Example: The below example uses @mousemove Directive to call a function with Mouse Hover in VueJS.

<!DOCTYPE html>

        Example 2
    <script src=
        .styled-link {
            color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
            background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0);
            text-decoration: underline;
            cursor: pointer;
            display: inline-block;
            padding: 5px;

    <div id="app">
            Using @mousemove Directive
        <div @mouseleave="handleMouseLeave" 
            Hover over me!
        <p v-show="showMessage"> 
            {{ message }} 
        new Vue({
            el: '#app',
            data: {
                message: '',
                showMessage: false
            methods: {
                handleMouseMove(event) {
                    if (!this.showMessage) {
                        this.message = 'GFG is Great!';
                        this.showMessage = true;
                        setTimeout(() => {
                            this.showMessage = false;
                        }, 1500);
                handleMouseLeave() {
                    this.showMessage = false;


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