How to Calculate Training Error in Decision Tree?

Answer: To calculate training error in a decision tree, compare the predicted class labels with the actual class labels for the training data and calculate the misclassification rate or accuracy.

To calculate the training error in a decision tree, follow these steps:

  1. Fit the Decision Tree Model:
    • Train the decision tree model using the training dataset, which includes features and corresponding labels.
  2. Make Predictions:
    • Use the trained decision tree model to make predictions on the training dataset. Each instance in the training dataset will be classified into a specific class by the decision tree.
  3. Compare Predictions with Actual Labels:
    • Compare the predicted class labels generated by the decision tree model with the actual class labels from the training dataset.
  4. Calculate Misclassification Rate or Accuracy:
    • Calculate the training error by determining the misclassification rate or accuracy. The misclassification rate is the proportion of incorrectly classified instances in the training dataset, while accuracy is the proportion of correctly classified instances.
    • Misclassification Rate:
      • Misclassification Rate = (Number of Misclassified Instances) / (Total Number of Instances)
    • Accuracy:
      • Accuracy = (Number of Correctly Classified Instances) / (Total Number of Instances)
  5. Interpretation:
    • A higher misclassification rate or lower accuracy indicates poorer performance of the decision tree model on the training dataset, suggesting potential issues such as overfitting or inadequacy of the model to capture the underlying patterns in the data.


Calculating the training error in a decision tree involves training the model on the training dataset, making predictions, comparing the predictions with actual labels, and then calculating the misclassification rate or accuracy. This helps in assessing the model’s performance on the training data and identifying potential areas for improvement or issues such as overfitting.

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