How to Build Live Cricket Score Application in Android?

There are many android applications which are available in the market which provide real-time cricket score updates easily at your fingertips. This application provides real-time updates for different cricket matches being played across the world. In this article, we will be building a simple application in which we will be displaying live cricket scores of various matches being played across the world. A sample video is given below to get an idea about what we are going to do in this article.

Step by Step Implementation

Step 1: Create a New Project in Android Studio

To create a new project in Android Studio please refer to How to Create/Start a New Project in Android Studio. Note that select Kotlin as the programming language.

Step 2: Add dependency to use volley for json parsing in android

Navigate to app>Gradle Scripts>build.gradle file and add the below dependency to it in the dependencies section. 

implementation ''

After adding the above dependency simply sync your project to install to it. 

Step 3: Create a Card Layout for Recycler View Card Items

Go to the app > res > layout> right-click > New >Layout Resource File and name the file as match_rv_item. In this file, all XML code related to card items in the RecyclerView is written. Below is the code for the match_rv_item.xml file.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <!--text view for displaying match title-->
            android:text="Match Title"
            android:textSize="12sp" />
            <!--text view for displaying match team 1-->
                android:text="Team 1"
                android:textStyle="normal" />
            <!--text view for displaying match team 1 score-->
                android:text="Team 1 score"
                android:textStyle="normal" />
            <!--text view for displaying match team2-->
                android:text="Team 2"
                android:textStyle="normal" />
            <!--text view for displaying match team score 2-->
                android:text="Team 2 score"
                android:textStyle="normal" />
        <!--text view for displaying match status-->
            android:text="Match status"
            android:textStyle="bold" />

Step 4: Working with the activity_main.xml file

Navigate to the app > res > layout > activity_main.xml and add the below code to that file. Below is the code for the activity_main.xml file. Comments are added inside the code to understand the code in more detail.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!--adding text view for displaying heading-->
        android:textStyle="bold" />
    <!--adding progress bar on below line-->
        android:visibility="visible" />
    <!--adding recycler view to display list of matches-->
        tools:listitem="@layout/match_rv_item" />

Step 5: Create a Modal class for score data and match data

Go to the app > java > Right-Click on your app’s package name > New > Kotlin Class and name the file as Score. This class will contain the scores for the individual team for that specific match. Below is the code for it. Comments are added to it to get to know it in detail. 


package com.example.cricscore
data class Score(
        // creating variables for runs,
        // wickets, overs and innings.
        var runs: Int,
        var wickets: Int,
        var overs: Int,
        var innings: String,)

Now Go to the app > java > Right-Click on your app’s package name > New > Kotlin Class and name the file as MatchesRVModal. This class will contain the details of all the matches. 


package com.example.cricscore
data class MatchesRVModal(
        // on below line creating variables
        var matchID: String,
        var matchName: String,
        var matchType: String,
        var status: String,
        var venue: String,
        var date: String,
        var teams: List<String>,
        var scores: List<Score>

Step 6: Create a new activity to display in detail score of a specific match

Navigate to app>java>your app’s package name> Right-click on it>New>Activity>Empty Activity and specify a name to it as MatchScoreActivity. 

Step 7: Working with activity_match_score.xml file

Navigate to app>res>layout>activity_match_score.xml and add the below code to it. Comments are added in the code to get to know it in detail. 


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!--adding progress bar on below line-->
        android:layout_centerInParent="true" />
    <!-- text view for match title-->
        android:text="Match Title"
        android:textStyle="bold" />
                <!-- text view for team 1 title-->
                    android:text="Team 1"
                    android:textStyle="normal" />
                <!-- text view for team 1 scores-->
                    android:text="Team 1 score"
                    android:textStyle="normal" />
                <!-- text view for team 2-->
                    android:text="Team 2"
                    android:textStyle="normal" />
                <!-- text view for team 2 scores-->
                    android:text="Team 2 score"
                    android:textStyle="normal" />
            <!-- text view for match status-->
                android:text="Match status"
                android:textStyle="bold" />
        android:text="Match Info"
        android:textStyle="bold" />
                android:textStyle="bold" />
            <!-- text view for match name-->
                android:text="Match Name"
                android:textStyle="normal" />
                android:background="@color/black" />
                android:textStyle="bold" />
            <!-- text view for match date-->
                android:text="Match Date"
                android:textStyle="normal" />
                android:background="@color/black" />
                android:text="Match Type"
                android:textStyle="bold" />
            <!-- text view for match type-->
                android:text="Match Type"
                android:textStyle="normal" />
                android:background="@color/black" />
                android:text="Match Venue"
                android:textStyle="bold" />
            <!-- text view for match venue-->
                android:text="Match Venue"
                android:textStyle="normal" />
                android:background="@color/black" />
            <!-- text view for match toss-->
                android:textStyle="bold" />
                android:text="Match Toss"
                android:textStyle="normal" />
                android:background="@color/black" />

Step 8: Create a new Kotlin class for the adapter

Navigate to the>your app’s package name>Right click on it>New>Kotlin Class and name it as MatchesRVAdapter and add the below code to it. Comments are added inside the code to understand the code in more detail.


package com.example.cricscore
import android.content.Context
import android.content.Intent
import android.view.LayoutInflater
import android.view.View
import android.view.ViewGroup
import android.widget.TextView
import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView
class MatchesRVAdapter(private val matchList: List<MatchesRVModal>, private val ctx: Context) :
        RecyclerView.Adapter<MatchesRVAdapter.ViewHolder>() {
    // on below line creating a view holder class.
    class ViewHolder(ItemView: View) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(ItemView) {
        // on below line initializing variables with id.
        val matchTitleTV: TextView = itemView.findViewById(
        val team1TV: TextView = itemView.findViewById(
        val teams2TV: TextView = itemView.findViewById(
        val team1ScoreTV: TextView = itemView.findViewById(
        val team2ScoreTV: TextView = itemView.findViewById(
        val matchStatusTV: TextView = itemView.findViewById(
    override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): ViewHolder {
        // on below line inflating our layout file.
        val view =
                LayoutInflater.from(parent.context).inflate(R.layout.match_rv_item, parent, false)
        return ViewHolder(view)
    override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: ViewHolder, position: Int) {
        // on below line setting data to text view.
        holder.matchTitleTV.text = matchList.get(position).matchName
        holder.matchStatusTV.text = matchList.get(position).status
        val teamsList: List<String> = matchList.get(position).teams
        holder.team1TV.text = matchList.get(position).teams.get(0)
        holder.teams2TV.text = matchList.get(position).teams.get(1)
        // on below line adding click listener for recycler view item.
        holder.itemView.setOnClickListener {
            // starting a new intent on below line.
            val intent = Intent(ctx,
            intent.putExtra("matchID", matchList.get(position).matchID)
        val scoreList: List<Score> = matchList.get(position).scores
        holder.team1ScoreTV.text =
                matchList.get(position).scores.get(0).runs.toString() + "/" + matchList.get(position).scores.get(
                ).wickets + "(" + matchList.get(position).scores.get(0).overs + ")"
        if (matchList.get(position).scores.size == 2) {
            holder.team2ScoreTV.text =
                    matchList.get(position).scores.get(1).runs.toString() + "/" + matchList.get(position).scores.get(
                    ).wickets + "(" + matchList.get(position).scores.get(1).overs + ")"
    override fun getItemCount(): Int {
        // returning size of list
        return matchList.size

Step 9: Generating the API key

Navigate to the below URL and simply sign up with your email address and password. You will get to see your API key along with API Url which we can use within our application to display cricket-related data.

Step 10: Working with MatchScoreActivity.kt file. 

Navigate to app>java>your app’s package name>MatchScoreActivity.kt file and add the below code to it. Comments are added inside the code to understand the code in more detail.


package com.example.cricscore
import android.os.Bundle
import android.util.Log
import android.view.View
import android.widget.ProgressBar
import android.widget.TextView
import android.widget.Toast
import org.json.JSONArray
import org.json.JSONObject
class MatchScoreActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    // on below line creating variables for text views.
    lateinit var matchTitleTV: TextView
    lateinit var matchNameTV: TextView
    lateinit var team1TV: TextView
    lateinit var team2TV: TextView
    lateinit var team1ScoreTV: TextView
    lateinit var team2ScoreTV: TextView
    lateinit var matchStatusTV: TextView
    lateinit var matchDateTV: TextView
    lateinit var matchTypeTV: TextView
    lateinit var matchVenueTV: TextView
    lateinit var matchTossTV: TextView
    lateinit var loadingPB: ProgressBar
    // on below line specifying refresh time for score.
    val period: Long = 5000
    // on below line specifying api url
    var apiURL: String =
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
          // on below line initializing all variables.
        matchTitleTV = findViewById(
        matchNameTV = findViewById(
        team1TV = findViewById(
        team2TV = findViewById(
        team1ScoreTV = findViewById(
        team2ScoreTV = findViewById(
        matchStatusTV = findViewById(
        matchDateTV = findViewById(
        matchTypeTV = findViewById(
        matchVenueTV = findViewById(
        matchTossTV = findViewById(
        loadingPB = findViewById(
        // on below line getting match id through intent.
        val matchID = intent.getStringExtra("matchID")
        // on below line specifying timer to
          // make api call after every 5 seconds.
        Timer().schedule(object : TimerTask() {
            fun run() {
                // on below line calling get score
                // data after specific time interval
        }, 0, period)
    private fun getScoreData() {
        val queue: RequestQueue = Volley.newRequestQueue(applicationContext)
        // on below line we are creating a variable for request
        // and initializing it with json object request
        val request = JsonObjectRequest(Request.Method.GET, apiURL + matchID, null, { response ->
            // on below line we are adding a try catch block.
            try {
                // on below line we are getting data from our response
                // and setting it in variables.
                val dataObj: JSONObject = response.getJSONObject("data")
                // on below line changing visibility of progress bar.
                loadingPB.visibility = View.GONE
                // on below line initializing list.
                val teamsList = ArrayList<String>()
                val scoreCardList = ArrayList<Score>()
                val matchesScoresRVList = ArrayList<MatchesRVModal>()
                // on below line getting data from api.
                var matchName: String = dataObj.getString("name")
                var matchType: String = dataObj.getString("matchType")
                var matchstatus: String = dataObj.getString("status")
                var matchvenue: String = dataObj.getString("venue")
                var matchdate: String = dataObj.getString("date")
                var teamsArray: JSONArray = dataObj.getJSONArray("teams")
                for (j in 0 until teamsArray.length()) {
                var scoreArray: JSONArray = dataObj.getJSONArray("score")
                for (k in 0 until scoreArray.length()) {
                    var scoreObj = scoreArray.getJSONObject(k)
                    var runs = scoreObj.getInt("r")
                    var overs = scoreObj.getInt("o")
                    var wickets = scoreObj.getInt("w")
                    var innings = scoreObj.getString("inning")
                    scoreCardList.add(Score(runs, overs, wickets, innings))
                // on below line setting data
                // for our text views.
                matchTitleTV.text = matchName
                matchNameTV.text = matchName
                matchTypeTV.text = matchType
                matchStatusTV.text = matchstatus
                matchVenueTV.text = matchvenue
                matchDateTV.text = matchdate
                team1TV.text = teamsList.get(0)
                team2TV.text = teamsList.get(1)
                team1ScoreTV.text =
                        scoreCardList.get(0).runs.toString() + "/" + scoreCardList.get(
                        ).wickets + "(" + scoreCardList.get(0).overs + ")"
                team2ScoreTV.text =
                        scoreCardList.get(1).runs.toString() + "/" + scoreCardList.get(
                        ).wickets + "(" + scoreCardList.get(1).overs + ")"
                Log.e("TAG", "Data form api is : " + matchesScoresRVList)
            } catch (e: Exception) {
                // on below line we are
                // handling our exception.
        }, { error ->
            // this method is called when we get
            // any error while fetching data from our API
            // in this case we are simply displaying a toast message.
            Toast.makeText(this@MatchScoreActivity, "Fail to get response", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT)
        // at last we are adding
        // our request to our queue.

Step 11: Working with the MainActivity.kt file

Go to the MainActivity.kt file and refer to the following code. Below is the code for the MainActivity.kt file. Comments are added inside the code to understand the code in more detail.


package com.example.cricscore
import android.os.Bundle
import android.util.Log
import android.view.View
import android.widget.ProgressBar
import android.widget.Toast
import androidx.recyclerview.widget.LinearLayoutManager
import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView
import org.json.JSONArray
import org.json.JSONObject
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    // on below line creating variable for
    // api url, recycler view and progress bar.
    var apiURL: String =
    lateinit var matchRV: RecyclerView
    lateinit var loadingPB: ProgressBar
    // on below line specifying
    // refresh time for score.
    val period: Long = 5000
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        // initializing variables on below line.
        matchRV = findViewById(
        loadingPB = findViewById(
        // on below line specifying timer to make
        // api call after every 5 seconds.
        Timer().schedule(object : TimerTask() {
            fun run() {
                // on below line calling get matches
                // data after specific time interval
        }, 0, period)
    private fun getMatchesData() {
        val queue: RequestQueue = Volley.newRequestQueue(applicationContext)
        // on below line we are creating a variable for request
        // and initializing it with json object request
        val request = JsonObjectRequest(Request.Method.GET, apiURL, null, { response ->
            // on below line we are adding a try catch block.
            try {
                // on below line we are getting
                // data from our response
                // and setting it in variables.
                val dataArray: JSONArray = response.getJSONArray("data")
                loadingPB.visibility = View.GONE
                matchRV.visibility = View.VISIBLE
                val matchesScoresRVList = ArrayList<MatchesRVModal>()
                for (i in 0 until dataArray.length()) {
                    var dataObj = dataArray.getJSONObject(i)
                    var matchName: String = dataObj.getString("name")
                    var matchType: String = dataObj.getString("matchType")
                    var matchstatus: String = dataObj.getString("status")
                    var matchvenue: String = dataObj.getString("venue")
                    var matchdate: String = dataObj.getString("date")
                    var matchID: String = dataObj.getString("id")
                    val teamsList = ArrayList<String>()
                    val scoreCardList = ArrayList<Score>()
                    var teamsArray: JSONArray = dataObj.getJSONArray("teams")
                    for (j in 0 until teamsArray.length()) {
                    Log.e("TAG", "TEams list is : " + teamsList)
                    var scoreArray: JSONArray = dataObj.getJSONArray("score")
                    for (k in 0 until scoreArray.length()) {
                        var scoreObj = scoreArray.getJSONObject(k)
                        var runs = scoreObj.getInt("r")
                        var overs = scoreObj.getInt("o")
                        var wickets = scoreObj.getInt("w")
                        var innings = scoreObj.getString("inning")
                        scoreCardList.add(Score(runs, wickets, overs, innings))
                    Log.e("TAG", "Score list is : " + scoreCardList)
                    Log.e("TAG", "Data form api is : " + matchesScoresRVList)
                val matchRVAdapter = MatchesRVAdapter(matchesScoresRVList, this)
                matchRV.adapter = matchRVAdapter
            } catch (e: Exception) {
                // on below line we are
                // handling our exception.
        }, { error ->
            // this method is called when we get
            // any error while fetching data from our API
            // in this case we are simply displaying a toast message.
            Toast.makeText(this@MainActivity, "Fail to get response", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT)
        // at last we are adding
        // our request to our queue.

Now run your application to see the output of it. 


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