How to Add Music To Instagram Notes – Easy Steps Guide

Instagram users will now be able to share a 30-second song clip as an additional means of expression in their Instagram Notes, which previously could only contain text and emoticons. 

According to a post by Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta, on the official Meta channel, Instagram users can now add up to 30 seconds of music to their notes in addition to a text message or an emoji.

The new Music Notes are expected to be used by users to express their sentiments, moods, or simply what music they’ve been listening to lately. Users can choose to express their comments in addition to the shared footage by adding a caption to a Music Note.

“Now you can add 30-sec clips of your favorite songs to notes on Instagram. Shoutout to my daughters for leveling up my music taste,” Zuckerberg wrote in his post on the platform.

With the introduction of Instagram Notes in December 2022, the majority of users responded with a loud chorus of apathy. However, teens appear to genuinely enjoy the feature.

In the US, kids used Notes at a pace that is ten times higher than that of adults, claims Meta. In the previous two months, over 100 million teen accounts have swapped notes, and nearly one in five notes written by teenagers receive a response. Therefore, it makes sense that the new function would be designed for the specific group of people who appear to use it the most.

How To Add Music To Instagram Notes?

Here’s How To Add Music To Your Instagram Notes:

  • Open Instagram, then select the messages tab.
  • In the top left corner, click the + sign that reads “your notes.”
  • Choose “add music” from the menu.
  • Select the tune you want to include.
  • Along with the music, you can also add a text or an emoji note

These music notes can be changed or deleted at any moment, and users can control who has access to them, including followers and close friends. 

Users can touch on Instagram Notes to translate them as well. Users who want to communicate with friends from various nations or who have acquaintances who speak different languages will find this option to be helpful. Simply touch on a Note to translate it, and Instagram will do the rest.

A new feature on Instagram called Notes allows users to send quick messages to their friends. Instagram wants to draw in more users with the addition of music and translations. 

Since large-scale rollouts can take time, you might not notice these features right away across Instagram’s entire installed base when they start rolling out today.

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