How TDMA is differ from FDMA?

Answer: TDMA allocates time slots for users to transmit sequentially, reducing collisions, while FDMA assigns frequency bands for simultaneous transmission, optimizing spectrum usage.

TDMA Differ form FDMA by below factors:

1. Resource Allocation: TDMA divides the available time slots into different intervals, where the each assigned to a separate user. The Users mainly turns transmitting during their allocated time slots. FDMA divides the available frequency spectrum into different frequency bands, where the each band assigned to a different user. The Users transmit parallels on their allocated frequencies.

2. Usage of Time and Frequency: TDMA focuses on using the time properly by allowing users to share the same frequency but at different times, which is best for bursty data. FDMA focuses on using frequency properly by allowing users to transmit simultaneously on different frequency bands, which is best for continuous data streams.

3. Collision and Interference: TDMA mainly minimizes the chance of collision as users transmit at different times, this reduce interference. FDMA reduces interference by assigning non-overlapping frequency bands to users, reducing the collisions.


In conclusion, TDMA and FDMA offer different approaches to resource allocation and spectrum utilization in communication systems. TDMA excels in minimizing collisions through sequential time slot allocation, while FDMA optimizes bandwidth usage with simultaneous frequency band assignments.

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