How Parity Bit Detect Error?

Answer: To detect error in the received message, we add some extra bits to the actual data.This extra bit is known as parity bit.

Detection of Error Using Parity Bit

In computer network there are two types of parity i.e. even parity and odd parity. Even parity states that the total number of 1’s in the binary message will be even and odd parity states that the total number of 1’s will be odd.

If we are following even parity and the total number of 1’s in the message is odd then we add one extra bit i.e. called parity bit in the message to make the total number of 1’s even. Similarly, if we are following odd parity and total number of 1’s in the message is even then we add one extra bit in the message to make the total number of 1’s odd.

When we send any message and if it follows even parity then at the receiver end if we get odd number of 1’s then some error occurred in the way that changed this message. Similarly in odd parity if we receive even number of 1’s at the receiver end then we can say error occurred.

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