How much time is available per question on the SAT test?

Here’s a detailed table showing the time available per question for both the traditional and new digital SAT, along with a description of each format:

Format Module Number of Questions Total Time (Minutes) Time per Question (Seconds)
Traditional Reading 52 65 75
Traditional Writing and Language 44 35 48
Traditional Math (No Calculator) 20 25 75
Traditional Math (Calculator) 38 55 87
Digital Reading and Writing 54 64 71
Digital Math 44 70 95

In the traditional SAT format, candidates have different times per question across sections, ranging from about 48 to 87 seconds. The Reading and Math (Calculator) sections allow more time per question compared to Writing and Language and Math (No Calculator). The new digital SAT format provides approximately 71 seconds per question for the combined Reading and Writing module, and 95 seconds per question for Math, reflecting the adaptive nature of the test where question difficulty adjusts based on the test taker’s responses. This setup aims to optimize the assessment of a student’s abilities more efficiently.

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