How much time is allocated per stage of the SAT test?

Here’s a detailed table showing the time allocation per stage for both the traditional and new digital SAT:

Format Module Time Allocated
Traditional Reading 65 minutes
Traditional Writing and Language 35 minutes
Traditional Math (No Calculator) 25 minutes
Traditional Math (Calculator) 55 minutes
Total Traditional SAT 180 minutes
Digital Reading and Writing 64 minutes
Digital Math 70 minutes
Total Digital SAT 134 minutes

The traditional SAT test format allocates a total of 180 minutes across four sections. The Reading section is the longest at 65 minutes. In contrast, the new digital SAT, which will be implemented in 2024, reduces the total test time to 134 minutes. This test merges the Reading and Writing sections into a single adaptive module with 64 minutes allocated, and the Maths section also becomes adaptive with 70 minutes allocated. This adaptation allows for a more streamlined testing experience.

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