How Much Does Instagram Pay For 1000 Views?

For years, Instagram has grown widely, and today almost every other person uses it. Today, Instagram is being used by over 2.35 billion people monthly, and is estimated that by the end of 2023, its users will reach up to 2.5 billion.

Among all these users, most of them are influencers and content creators. These people have turned to this platform to make money. Influencers and content creators make money when they make content, they make money when we view their content, like it, share it, and follow them. Do you know how much these influencers make out of 1,000 views? Do you know what factors affect this pay, how it is calculated, and how to increase it?

Let’s understand about these things in detail.

Table of Content

  • How Much Does Instagram Pay For 1000 Views?
  • Factors That Affect Instagram Pay For 1000 Views
  • How To Calculate Instagram Pay For 1000 Views?
  • Average Instagram Pay For 1000 Views
  • How To Increase Instagram Pay For 1000 Views

How Much Does Instagram Pay For 1000 Views?

The pay per 1000 views depend on various factors, such as engagement rates, quality of content, type of audience, sponsors, brands and ads and so on. Instagram allows you to make money with the help of advertising. Brands can pay the influencers and content creators to promote their product, Instagram shares a part of this revenue with the content creators.

But one must keep in mind that the amount paid per 1000 views is not constant, it may vary from person to person, and content to content. However creators can expect an amount between $0.01 to $0.05. One may feel that it’s very less but recent analysis has shown that influencers and content creators have earned up to $5 on per 1000 views. Yet again this pay depends on various factors as mentioned above.

Factors That Affect Instagram Pay For 1000 Views

There are various factors that affect Instagram pay for 1000 views, some of them are:

1. Engagement Rates

Instagram tends to pay more on posts that make more engagement with its audience. When the audience finds such content they tend to like it and share it, this is the best way to increase your pay.

The engagement rate is calculated by adding the number of likes, comments, and shares on the post and then dividing it by the total number of followers of the creator. This is a percent value so don’t forget to multiply it by 100.

Engagement rate (%) = (Likes + Comments + Shares) / Total Followers * 100

2. Content Type

The pay on Instagram varies on type of content. For example, posting a reel or a video can attract more of the audience rather than a photo. According to the engagement rate the payoff is given, like for a photo with proper sponsors, where one may get upto $100 then for a reel or video one may get paid up to $1000.

3. Content Quality

A high quality content with attractive visuals can engage a good set of audience and higher the quality of content, higher the pay you get. One can use attractive effects, transitions, filters, and good video editing skills to increase their content quality. Advertisers also look for such content so that they can collaborate with them to promote their product.

4. Sponsored Content

One can look for brands and businesses to promote their product and deliver their content. When a content is sponsored it has higher chances of a good payoff. A creator can sponsor their post by directly promoting a brand’s product and the pay for every sponsored post can vary depending upon the agreement between the creator and the brand.

5. Consistency

A good payoff can be expected by a creator who is focused and dedicated towards their work. Creating contents on a daily basis, interacting with their audience and connecting with them can increase the engagement rates, thereby increasing the payoff. Consistency is must in at the beginning stage of content creation later some rest is excused.

How To Calculate Instagram Pay For 1000 Views?

A simple formula is used to calculate Instagram pay for per 1000 views, such as:

The total number of views is multiplied by the CMP (cost per mile), the CMP is the amount paid by the advertiser to the creator on per 1000 views. This product is then divided by 1000 to get the pay per 1000 views.

Formulated as:

CMP * Views / 1000 = Pay per 1000 views

Now, let’s say that a post on Instagram has received 40,000 views and CMP is $10. So on calculating using the above formula,

$10 * 40,000 / 1000 = $400

Meaning that the content creator will get $400 for per 1000 views received on this post. How amazing is that? But note that this is just an example of how to calculate Instagram pay for per 1000 views, the actual pay will also include the factors that affect the pay.

One may also note that Instagram’s algorithm is adjusted to calculate pay on view duration and engagement rate. That means if a user is simply scrolling through a post, that post will not be considered for pay purposes.

Average Instagram Pay For 1000 Views

As we’ve seen earlier, various factors contribute to making a successful payout. One can expect a pay of $0.01 to $0.05 on their work. Although this pay may reach $5 to $6 per post with good engagement rate, good quality content, and consistency.

  • Influencer rate can also affect the payoff. The greater the level of influencer the greater the payoff. Mostly cricketers, actors, bigger brand owners, politicians and so on have greater influence on the audience.

Do you know how much these people earn from Instagram?

One of the highest paid personalities is Cristiano Ronaldo (583 million followers), who get paid up to 2.4 million, followed by Kylie Jenner with 1.84 million and then Leonel Messi with 1.78 million for each post. Hence, these influencers are more valued by the advertisers.

Another major factor is the country the creator resides in. if the creator lives in a country with a lower living cost they may get a lower pay compared to creators in a country with higher living cost. Similarly, payoff may vary from creators to creators with different jobs or positions (niche). Meaning a content creator who is into travel content may get payoff more than those in parenting and so.

One must remember that these are merely averages and that the best payout can be gained by taking all the above factors into account and working upon them.

How To Increase Instagram Pay For 1000 Views

To increase one’s Instagram pay for 1000 views, there are several strategies. A few are mentioned below:

Focus on building your Engagement Rates

One of the most important factors that can help increase Instagram pay for 1000 views is to focus on building your engagement. This can be achieved by making high quality content that can relate with your audience.

Post Consistently and Interaction with Followers

One must keep in mind that only quality content is not the key to increase Instagram pay for 1000 views. Interaction with the audience is an equally important way to do so. One can interact with their audience with options such as polls and queries on Instagram stories to engage the audience.

Work with Brands Advertisers

To increase Instagram pay for 1000 views, working with brands and businesses can help a lot. Promoting brands that go along with your niche can really help you and your audience to grow and increase your pay per 1000 views.

Use Analytics tools to track your Metrics

Finally, using analysis tools to track your engagement rates, quality content, best fit ads, follower growth, and so on is an important factor to increase your pay. By doing so you create a room for better understanding and correction. With these tools you can also track your sponsored post and deliver the right content that the sponsors require.


We’ve seen how much Instagram pays for 1000 views, factors that affect Instagram pay for 1000 views, what is the average Instagram pay for 1000 views, how to increase Instagram pay for 1000 views, and additionally how to calculate Instagram pay for 1000 views.

Finally, it is really important to understand that good quality content, interaction with the audience, and collaboration with brands and advertising can help one grow their pay. In the world of digitization one must learn how to earn from these social media platforms and make use of them for a good cause, for the benefit of ourselves and society. As Instagram is growing and evolving one must also grow with it.

FAQs – How Much Does Instagram Pay for 1000 Views

1. How much does Instagram pay per view?

No, Instagram doesn’t pay for per view or per like.

2. Does Instagram pay for reels?

Yes, Instagram do pay for reels, which can go up to $1000 also for many creators.

3. Can I earn by posting on Instagram?

Yes, With sponsored posts one can easily earn from Instagram.

4. How much do Instagram Reels pay in India?

If you’re an influencer with followers around 2,000 to 9,000 then you can get paid between Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 15,000.

5. Does Instagram pay everyone?

No, Instagram does not pay everyone but accounts with 1,000 followers can get paid up to $1420 per month and up to $100 on per sponsored post.

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