How many Vertices, Faces, and Edges does a Cuboid have?

A cuboid is a three-dimensional geometric figure, also known as a rectangular prism.

Answer: A cuboid has six faces, eight vertices, and twelve edges.

Let’s break this down:

  1. Vertices: A vertex is a point where two or more lines or edges meet. In a cuboid, there are eight vertices. These vertices are the corners of the cuboid.
  2. Faces: A face is a flat surface on a three-dimensional figure. A cuboid has six faces, each of which is a rectangle. The faces include the top, bottom, front, back, left, and right sides.
  3. Edges: An edge is a line segment where two faces meet. In a cuboid, there are twelve edges. Each face of the cuboid shares its sides with adjacent faces, resulting in twelve edges in total.

Hence, there are 6 faces, 8 vertices, and 12 edges in a cuboid.

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