How many times can I take TOEFL?

You are free to take the TOEFL exam multiple times, but you must wait at least 12 days between each attempt.If the test taker has an existing test date, they cannot register for an examination within 12 days of that date.

The TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) is a standardized test that measures English language proficiency. If you’re looking to take the TOEFL, you’ll be glad to know that there are no limits to how many times you can attempt the exam. ETS, the organization that administers the test, allows candidates to retake the TOEFL as often as they wish. However, there is a mandatory waiting period; you must wait at least 12 days after your previous attempt before you can retake the test.

This policy is beneficial for those who may not achieve their desired score on their first try or for those who seek to improve their scores for university admissions or professional qualifications. Retaking the test can be a strategic decision to enhance your English language skills, as each attempt provides valuable experience and insight into the testing process, potentially improving your performance in subsequent sittings.

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