How many moons does Jupiter have?

Answer: Jupiter has 95 moons, confirmed by the International Astronomical Union.

Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. It is orbited by a vast number of moons. Saturn has 146 moons whereas Jupiter has 95 moons. Jupiter’s moons vary significantly in size, composition, and orbital characteristics. The moons are divided into categories. Let’s know about them.

  • The Big Four: Galileo Galilei first spotted these titans in 1610 and they are – Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. They are so big that they dwarf the other moons in size and each has unique features: Io has volcanoesEuropa covered with oceans, the largest moon Ganymede, and Callisto covered with craters.
  • The Inner Moons: These are closer to Jupiter and these smaller moons are thought to be captured asteroids or debris formed from collisions.
  • The Outer Moons: These distant and irregular moons have more eccentric orbits and are likely captured objects too. Some of them are only discovered recently by th scientists.


With so many moons, Jupiter’s system resembles a miniature solar system itself. Ongoing space missions and advancements in observational technology may lead to the discovery of additional moons around Jupiter, as Jovian system continues to evolve. The study of Jupiter’s moons provides valuable insights into the early solar system and planetary formation processes.

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