How Many 16.9oz Bottles does it take to fill 2 Liters?

To find the answer to this question, we need to convert both measurements to a common unit, either ounces or liters. Since we have the volume in liters, we’ll convert 2 liters to ounces.

1 liter is equivalent to approximately 33.814 ounces.

Answer: It takes approximately 4.73 16.9 oz bottles to fill 2 liters.

Let’s do the conversion:

2 liters × 33.814 ounces/liter = 67.628 ounces

Now, we can determine how many 16.9 oz bottles are needed to reach 67.628 ounces:

67.628 ounces​ ÷ 16.9 ounces/bottle ≈ 4.73 bottles

So, it takes approximately 4.73 (rounded to 2 decimal places) 16.9 oz bottles to fill 2 liters.

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