How do I Find Subnet Mask for an IP Address?

Answer: By checking the network configuration settings on your device or by using command-line tools like ipconfig (Windows) or ifconfig (Linux/macOS).

To find the subnet mask for an IP address, several methods are available depending on your device’s operating system or network tools.

Network Settings

On Windows, macOS, or Linux, access the network settings or properties for your connection. The subnet mask is displayed with the IP address and other details.

Command Line

Use ipconfig on Windows or ifconfig on Linux/macOS. These commands in the terminal show network configuration, including the subnet mask.

Router Configuration

The subnet mask is often in the router or gateway settings. Access the router’s web interface or use command-line tools to see the network configuration.

Subnetting Calculation

Knowing the IP address and subnet size allows manual calculation of the subnet mask. Convert the subnet size to binary to determine the mask bits.


Multiple methods exist to find the subnet mask, from network settings and command-line tools to router configurations or manual calculations.

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