How AI will affect our lives in next decade ?

AI (Artificial Intelligence) is ahead of all of us, it’s ready to enter our day to day lives and is already being used in a lot of sectors In fact, it’s widely conceded that the fourth industrial revolution is dominated by AI.

So here are some of the most staggering and useful ways in which AI is going to wave at us :

  • Medicine : AI is going to take medicine to a different level, every person will be able to receive a different course of treatment, taking into account their genetic profile and very intricate and specific details of their problem. AI is all set to aid medical research as well since the data processing abilities are expanding and cause and effect identification is more accurate AI might become the propeller in finding the cause of cancer and a cure for AIDS.
    IBM is working on AI applications in chronic disease treatment. Already a lot of companies like Google and Intel are working on data collection software to get a hold of large amounts of data for certain specific medical researches.
  • Autonomous Transports : Recently the World Economic Forum and The Boston Consulting Group conducted a three year long study in which they calculated and analyzed the impact of autonomous vehicles in the city of Boston, the findings of the study showed that a lot of people will prefer autonomous commutes by the next decade hence we should soon be ready for the sight of a car driving itself. Trucking companies are already feeling the need for self-driving trucks.
  • Construction and Infrastructure : AI can replace a lot of hazardous manual work in the construction industry, the construction industry is slow in adapting to changes hence a lot of scopes is there to include AI as of now, some developers have created 3D modelers for planning and designing of buildings and the internal components like plumbing and electrical systems but as now they are not very widely used. Drones are being used to capture detailed photographs of parts of buildings which are otherwise difficult to access.
  • Waste Management : Smart trashcans can sense the level of garbage in them and then send the information to garbage collection authorities this can be done by linking AI to IOT. In Songdo(South Korea) people can tag different types of garbage with coded smart tags, which are read by an automatic waste disposal system. Since pollution caused by toxic waste plays a significant role in increasing the risk of cancer in children and also in countries like India a lot of land is occupied by garbage heaps and dumps AI is the future of waste management and disposal.
  • Enhancing the existing technology: Alexa, Siri and Cortana are just babies and will grow up to become useful and responsible adults in a few years. Facebook is working with AI experts to make advanced facial recognition software. If you already feel that search bars are reading your mind, be prepared for more because Google is applying machine learning to make its search more personalized and specific.

All of the above advancements sound exciting and seemingly we are going towards an AI dominated future, having said this, people started considering it as a threat. Stephen Hawking in an article for Independent(UK) highlighted that AI can in the future become highly powerful and not necessarily for good hence the risks should be kept in mind, also its not entirely impossible to make a network much more powerful than the human brain and with this a predicament arises. No doubt, Artificial Intelligence is the future but it also raises some severe questions in mind like shall we stop proliferation of AI or are the risks manageable?

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