50 History Trivia Questions People Always Get Wrong

50 History Trivia Questions People Always Get Wrong: History is full of surprises, isn’t it? But did you know that some facts are trickier than they seem? That’s right. From ancient civilizations to modern revolutions, prepare to put your historical knowledge to the test as we explore the fascinating world of history.

In this article, we’ve gathered 50 history trivia questions that people always get wrong. From ancient wonders to modern mysteries, get ready to test your knowledge and uncover some fascinating facts you might not have known before.

Table of Content

  • MCQs on History Trivia Questions
  • General Questions on Science Trivia Questions

MCQs on History Trivia Questions

Who was the first President of the United States?

A) Benjamin Franklin

B) George Washington

C) Thomas Jefferson

D) John Adams

Answer: B) George Washington

What was the main cause of the Cold War?

A) Territorial disputes

B) Assassination of a political leader

C) Ideological conflict between the USSR and the USA

D) Economic sanctions

Answer: C) Ideological conflict between the USSR and the USA

Which civilization is known as the “Gift of the Nile”?

A) Mesopotamian

B) Indus Valley

C) Ancient Egypt

D) Mayan

Answer: C) Ancient Egypt

Where did the Industrial Revolution begin?

A) United States

B) France

C) Great Britain

D) Germany

Answer: C) Great Britain

What was the original purpose of the Great Wall of China?

A) To prevent invasions and raids from nomadic tribes

B) To mark the boundary of the empire

C) As a trade route

D) As a symbol of power

Answer: A) To prevent invasions and raids from nomadic tribes

Which of the following was a result of the American Civil War?

A) Abolition of slavery

B) Independence from British rule

C) Establishment of democracy

D) Expansion to the West

Answer: A) Abolition of slavery

Who was the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean?

A) Amelia Earhart

B) Valentina Tereshkova

C) Bessie Coleman

D) Harriet Quimby

Answer: A) Amelia Earhart

What was the main reason for the fall of the Roman Empire?

A) Invasion by barbarian tribes

B) Economic troubles and overreliance on slave labor

C) The spread of Christianity

D) All of the above

Answer: D) All of the above

Which country was the first to grant women the right to vote?

A) United States

B) New Zealand

C) United Kingdom

D) France

Answer: B) New Zealand

What event marked the beginning of World War II?

A) Invasion of Poland by Germany

B) Bombing of Pearl Harbor

C) Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

D) The signing of the Treaty of Versailles

Answer: A) Invasion of Poland by Germany

Which ancient civilization built the Machu Picchu complex?

A) The Aztecs

B) The Mayans

C) The Incas

D) The Olmecs

Answer: C) The Incas

What was the primary purpose of the Silk Road?

A) Military conquests

B) Religious pilgrimages

C) Trade between Asia and Europe

D) Exploratory expeditions

Answer: C) Trade between Asia and Europe

During which century did the Renaissance begin?

A) 14th Century

B) 15th Century

C) 16th Century

D) 17th Century

Answer: A) 14th Century

Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?

A) George Washington

B) Thomas Jefferson

C) Benjamin Franklin

D) John Adams

Answer: B) Thomas Jefferson

What was the deadliest pandemic in history?

A) The Black Death

B) The Spanish Flu

C) The Plague of Justinian

D) The HIV/AIDS pandemic

Answer: A) The Black Death

Which empire was known as the “Land of the Rising Sun”?

A) The Ottoman Empire

B) The British Empire

C) The Roman Empire

D) The Japanese Empire

Answer: D) The Japanese Empire

Who was the longest-reigning British monarch before Queen Elizabeth II?

A) Queen Victoria

B) King George III

C) Queen Elizabeth I

D) King Henry VIII

Answer: A) Queen Victoria

What was the main language of the Roman Empire?

A) Greek

B) Latin

C) Italian

D) Aramaic

Answer: B) Latin

Which war is often called “The Forgotten War”?

A) The Korean War

B) The Vietnam War

C) World War I

D) The Gulf War

Answer: A) The Korean War

What ancient wonder was located in the city of Alexandria?

A) The Lighthouse of Alexandria

B) The Colossus of Rhodes

C) The Statue of Zeus at Olympia

D) The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

Answer: A) The Lighthouse of Alexandria

Which of the following was not invented during the Chinese Han Dynasty?

A) Paper

B) The compass

C) Gunpowder

D) The seismograph

Answer: C) Gunpowder

Who was the first emperor of China?

A) Emperor Wu

B) Qin Shi Huang

C) Kublai Khan

D) Emperor Taizong

Answer: B) Qin Shi Huang

What year did the Berlin Wall fall?

A) 1987

B) 1989

C) 1991

D) 1993

Answer: B) 1989

Which of these cities was once capital of the United States?

A) New York City

B) Philadelphia

C) Washington, D.C.

D) Both A and B

Answer: D) Both A and B

What was the first capital of ancient Egypt?

A) Thebes

B) Memphis

C) Alexandria

D) Cairo

Answer: B) Memphis

General Questions on Science Trivia Questions

Who was known as the “Maid of Orléans”?

Answer: Joan of Arc

What year did the Titanic sink?

Answer: 1912

Which country was the first to use paper money?

Answer: China

What ancient civilization is credited with inventing the wheel?

Answer: The Sumerians

Who discovered penicillin?

Answer: Alexander Fleming

What is the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world?

Answer: Damascus, Syria

In which war did the Battle of the Bulge take place?

Answer: World War II

Who was the first female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom?

Answer: Margaret Thatcher

What was the name of the first successful English colony in America?

Answer: Jamestown

Which Roman Emperor famously made his horse a senator?

Answer: Caligula

What was the main reason for the construction of the pyramids of Egypt?

Answer: As tombs for pharaohs and their consorts

Who was the first human to journey into space?

Answer: Yuri Gagarin

What was the significant event on July 20, 1969?

Answer: The first human landing on the Moon

Which treaty ended the First World War?

Answer: The Treaty of Versailles

Who was the longest-serving dictator of the 20th century?

Answer: Fidel Castro

What civilization is known for creating the first known democracy?

Answer: The Ancient Greeks

Who was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize?

Answer: Marie Curie

What was the deadliest battle in human history?

Answer: The Battle of Stalingrad

Which country gifted the Statue of Liberty to the United States?

Answer: France

What was the original name of New York City?

Answer: New Amsterdam

Who was the first American astronaut to orbit the Earth?

Answer: John Glenn

What is the name of the first known civilization?

Answer: The Sumerians

Who was the first female ruler of Egypt?

Answer: Sobekneferu

What year did the United States declare independence from Britain?

Answer: 1776

Which ancient empire was ruled by Cyrus the Great?

Answer: The Persian Empire

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