Hide legend in Bokeh plot

Bokeh is a Python interactive data visualization. It renders its plots using HTML and JavaScript. It targets modern web browsers for presentation providing elegant, concise construction of novel graphics with high-performance interactivity. Adding legends to your figures can help to properly describe and define them. Hence, giving more clarity. Legends in Bokeh are simple to implement. They can be basic, automatically grouped, manually mentioned, explicitly indexed and also interactive. In this article we will discuss only how to have the legends completely invisible from the plot.

To achieve the required functionality we have to set the visible property of the bokeh legend to False.




  • Import module
  • Create figure frame
  • Plot required graph
  • Set legend to invisible
  • Display plot

First, let us see how a plot with legend looks like, and then we will set the visibility to false for the same plot.



# import module
import pandas as pd
from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_file, show
from bokeh.sampledata.stocks import AAPL
# create frame
pic = figure(plot_width=600, plot_height=150, x_axis_type="datetime")
pic.title.text = 'Plot without legend'
# plot data
for data, name, color in zip([AAPL], ["AAPL"], Spectral4):
    df = pd.DataFrame(data)
    df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date'])
    pic.line(df['date'], df['close'], line_width=2,
             color=color, alpha=0.8, legend_label=name)
# display plot
output_file("hide_legend.html", title="hide_legend.py example")


Example: Without legend


# import module
import pandas as pd
from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_file, show
from bokeh.sampledata.stocks import AAPL
# create frame
pic = figure(plot_width=600, plot_height=150, x_axis_type="datetime")
pic.title.text = 'Plot without legend'
# plot graph
for data, name, color in zip([AAPL], ["AAPL"], Spectral4):
    df = pd.DataFrame(data)
    df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date'])
    pic.line(df['date'], df['close'], line_width=2,
             color=color, alpha=0.8, legend_label=name)
# set visibility
pic.legend.visible = False
# print plot
output_file("hide_legend.html", title="hide_legend.py example")


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