Hexaware Technologies Interview Experience for GET

Online GET post Interview

Hi! I had given my Hexaware Technologies test and got the GET Post 2023 offer.

The drive was an on-campus drive and the test is held at the same time all over India. So the test was held around August- Sept 2022. So the first test was of Aptitude test. The aptitude questions were right, you can easily do them if you have practiced before. I suggest you give 15 days minimum for Aptitude. Then in that test only we have a section that is related to the basic knowledge that we have acquired during our course.

The programming language was Python and you have been given code you have to choose the correct option among four and move on. I qualified for that test. I got this mail after 1 week. Then my communications Test was scheduled. During the test, we have to be confident and try that our voice is strong and clear enough. Also, the questions asked were basic English/Grammar questions.

After clearing this test there are 2 interviews scheduled. One was technical and the other was HR. Both interviews are based on the skills that you have written in your resume. The trick is to be confident and before any interview go through your resume a day before and remember everything you have done. Also on the day your interview is scheduled just take out your resume sheet before the interview and read it thoroughly.

The whole process was online and it was quite a great experience that was my first interview. I got placed in Hexaware Technologies but they didn’t still call us on-board.

I suggest you keep in touch with the company and try your best every time even if you have given 100 interviews, treat all of them as your First one.

All the best!!!

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