Hexaware Technologies Interview Experience

It took place virtually and lasted for a month. Every round was an elimination round.

ROUND 1: Online Assessment

  • lt had roughly 60 questions on aptitude.20 questions from quantitative aptitude,20 from verbal ability and 20 from

reasoning. No negative marking.

ROUND 2: Coding Round

  • Inthis round, there was 2 coding questions from array and string topic.
  • There were 20 questions from computer fundamentals and from programming fundamentals.

ROUND 3: communication Round

  • This was virtual round which tests basic communication.
  • It contains questions from reading, listening and speaking.

ROUND 4: Technical Interview

  • This round was entirely devoted to the projects I’ve completed, followed by a thorough explanation of some DBMS fundamentals.
  • Inthis round you may face some coding questions also.

ROUND 5: Managerial Interview

  • |t was not an elimination round. It last for about 15 mins.Asenior technical individual approached me in this round and asked me some standard HR questions, such as:
  • What do you know about the company?
  • Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
  • What extracurriculars have you participated in while attending college?
  • What sort of technologies you are familiar with?

NOTE: A critical component of this round was effective communication.

ROUND 6: HR Interview

  • |t was also not an elimination round.
  • In this round Interviewer talk about general things and confirmation for the selection.

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